Saturday, June 15, 2019

First 2 Japanese rx on 6m

When I came back from shopping this morning I realized I missed to be in the shack when I received my first 2 Japanese stations of this year. There was an opening around 8-8:15 UTC. JA7QVI and JR7AIW were -15dB. Both are received by only a few stations in Europe. I was the only one in the Netherlands that received JR7AIW as far as I can see on PSK reporter. Looking back in my all.txt file I saw another Japanese JA7WSZ that is not plotted in PSKreporter. ON4GG had more luck, looking back in my files he made it to JA one after the other...

He certainly has been a very lucky guy at the right place and in the shack at the right time. Hopefully one of these days I will make it to Japan on 6m.


Hans said...

Jammer Bas, maar je kunt moeilijk de gehele dag in de shack zitten. Volgende keer beter. 73 Hans, PE1BVQ

PE4BAS, Bas said...

Hallo Hans, ik doe ook aan remote met bijv. teamviewer en ik kijk best wel vaak in de shack computer. Maar je hebt gelijk ik kan onmogelijk 24 uur per dag monitoren. Rond deze tijd was ik net boodschappen aan het doen. Daarbij komt nog dat zien met -15dB nog niet altijd verbinding maken is. Mijn RX is best gevoelig en vaak komen stations bij mij harder binnen als andersom. 73, Bas