DXCC heard in with WSPR max.power 1 Watt

Band DXCC Max.Distance
160 16 5674 km (USA)
80 36 14037 km (Australia)
40 56 18329 km (New Zealand)
30 51 18505 km (New Zealand)
20 61 18277 km (New Zealand)
17 30 16022 km (Australia)
152714296 (Australia)
12 9 16229 km (Australia)
10 5523810 km (Australia longpath 25-4-2015)
6 18 3202 km (Israel)

Total unique DXCC all band: 104

DXCC on WSPR TX with 1W

Started this WSPR DXCC list immidiatly when I first heard of this very sensitive mode in 2009. As an avid DXer I thought this would be not that difficult despite the low power of 1W. However, the challenge is not a case of being heard but the number of DXCC with a WSPR receiver on air. Over the years the number of WSPR transmitters has been exploded but less HAMs or SWLs are receiving 24/7 on WSPR or even receiving at all. That counts especially for exotic DXCC. First years I had to look at the WSPR database table manually, the task is still manual but I can look at a worldmap in 2022. Which makes the task easier. Still there is no one that has made a possebility to substract DXCC from the WSPR database yet as far as I know.

Antennas on HF 2009-2018: Copper tape vertical with CG3000 autotuner at the feedpoint on approx. 9 Mtr above the ground till June 2018.  In the winter I used a 84 Mtr square horizontal loop on approx. 7 Mtr above the ground till the end of 2017. A homemade 10m HB9CV was placed on a second mast at 6m agl.

Antenna on HF 2018/2019: The square loop is abandoned and changed for a 2x20m inverted-V apex 12m on a new antenna tower. It is my main antenna. A HF5B 5 band beam has been mounted in the tower from october 2018 till the end of 2019 apex 14m. A 10m 4 element LFA replaced the HF5B since 2019.

Antenna on HF 2021-2023: Inverted-V is still main antenna. 4 element LFA for 10m. Experimental multiband vertical on 16m agl.

Antenna on HF 2023-: Multiband squalo for 14-24 MHz, 4 elem LFA 10m, Gainmaster HW on 10/12m. Inverted-V for 1,8-30 MHz.

Antenna on 6m/VHF/UHF: Watson W2000 tri bander vertical (Diamond V2000 clone) on approx. 16 Mtr. above the ground. Removed again in 2019. A 5 element ZX yagi for 6m was mounted in the tower from June - October 2018 and is only there for the ES season. The ZX yagi has been replaced for a YU7EF duoband yagi 4m/6m 5/5 elements in 2020.


WSPR Database - PE4BAS last heard by
WSPR Database - last heard by PE4BAS
WSPR download
WSPR at wikipedia

WSPR map
WSPR map by VK7JJ with lots of info and analysis

KB9AMG's Top RBN and WSPR spots

List of DXCC reached with 1W:

Nr Start Station Country DXCC Band Mode Sent Recv
1 4-11-2009 19:16 T61AA Afghanistan 3 40m WSPR 59
2 25-9-2009 19:56 AL7RV Alaska 6 30m WSPR 59
3 30-7-2009 17:42 VK0BP Antarctica 13 20m WSPR 59
4 9-2-2014 18:28 LU8WAG Argentina 100 10m WSPR -21
5 20-12-2012 21:34 EK6RSC Armenia 14 80m WSPR -27
6 8-10-2011 10:04 R9SA Asiatic Russia 15 10m WSPR 59
7 28-12-2014 10:32 VK4MIL Australia 150 10M WSPR -26
8 21-5-2011 10:20 OE3KFB Austria 206 6m WSPR 59
9 23-12-2011 23:56 CU4AEA Azores 149 40M WSPR -20
10 13-10-2011 16:30 EA6GF Balearic Is. 21 10m WSPR 59
11 30-12-2011 13:06 EW6BN Belarus 27 30M WSPR -11
12 29-12-2011 14:46 ON7KB Belgium 209 20M WSPR -23
13 8-10-2011 10:04 PU2MWD Brazil 108 10m WSPR 59
14 13-12-2011 10:38 LZ1OI Bulgaria 212 10M WSPR -27
15 13-9-2014 12:28 TJ3TS Cameroon 406 10M WSPR -18
16 27-12-2014 14:54 VE3DVV Canada 1 10M WSPR -21
17 29-12-2011 19:34 EA8OM Canary Is. 29 20M WSPR -26
18 23-7-2009 16:16 TK1DP Corsica 214 30m WSPR 59
19 31-12-2011 00:04 TI4/N0URE Costa Rica 308 30M WSPR -27
20 26-7-2009 19:18 OK2EA Czech Republic 503 20m WSPR 59
21 27-12-2014 14:54 OZ7IT Denmark 221 10M WSPR -20
22 29-12-2011 14:46 G4ICB England 223 20M WSPR -25
23 6-4-2014 13:32 ES1001SWL Estonia 52 20m WSPR -22
24 1-2-2015 12:30 ET/G8DYK Ethiopia 53 10m WSPR -4
25 28-12-2014 09:30 UB9OCQ European Russia 54 10M WSPR -10
26 26-4-2015 16:42 VP8ALJ Falkland Is. 141 10m WSPR -22
27 13-12-2011 15:20 OY1OF Faroe Is. 222 10M WSPR -16
28 28-12-2014 10:54 DK3RU Fed. Rep. of Germany 230 10M WSPR -26
29 28-12-2014 13:38 OH8ACB/P Finland 224 10M WSPR -22
30 6-4-2014 08:54 F1UVN France 227 10m WSPR -24
31 23-7-2009 16:16 SV8ARJ Greece 236 30m WSPR 59
32 9-2-2014 19:16 XP3A Greenland 237 10m WSPR -19
33 8-12-2014 14:06 FG5LA Guadeloupe 79 10m WSPR
34 7-10-2009 08:38 HA9AL Hungary 239 80m WSPR 59
35 31-7-2009 10:24 TF3HZ Iceland 242 20m WSPR 59
36 23-7-2009 19:12 VU2MTM India 324 30m WSPR 59
37 30-5-2011 20:10 EI7GL Ireland 245 160m WSPR 59
38 19-11-2009 21:30 GD0AMD Isle of Man 114 80m WSPR 59
39 29-12-2011 14:36 4X6IZ Israel 336 20M WSPR -22
40 29-12-2011 14:36 IT9CLU Italy 248 20M WSPR -17
41 6-4-2014 10:08 JH7PAV Japan 339 10m WSPR -19
42 2-9-2014 18:36 GJ4CBQ Jersey 122 160m WSPR -26
43 13-10-2011 09:22 UN8PFE Kazakhstan 130 10m WSPR 59
44 8-10-2011 12:32 5Z4/VK1UN Kenya 430 10m WSPR 59
45 11-1-2014 10:24 EX1UN/1 Kyrgyzstan 135 12m WSPR -27
46 5-1-2013 00:54 LY2BOS Lithuania 146 40M WSPR -17
47 5-1-2013 09:06 LX2GT Luxembourg 254 40M WSPR -6
48 2-1-2012 10:16 VK0TH Macquarie I. 153 10M WSPR -27
49 14-11-2009 16:40 9H1AA Malta 257 30m WSPR 59
50 21-5-2011 21:26 CN8LI Morocco 446 6m WSPR 59
51 28-12-2014 09:04 PD0OHW Netherlands 263 10M WSPR -14
52 6-4-2014 06:34 ZL3DMH New Zealand 170 10m WSPR -22
53 21-5-2011 11:38 GI6ISW Northern Ireland 265 6m WSPR 59
54 25-7-2009 09:30 LA3JJ Norway 266 30m WSPR 59
55 13-10-2011 12:24 A45SWL Oman 370 10m WSPR 59
56 6-4-2014 18:54 DU1MGA Philippines 375 20m WSPR -26
57 26-9-2009 12:24 SP3IY Poland 269 30m WSPR 59
58 28-12-2014 13:38 CT1JTQ Portugal 272 10M WSPR -26
59 29-12-2011 17:02 FR5DN Reunion I. 453 20M WSPR -6
60 5-1-2013 01:52 YO3KSR Romania 275 40M WSPR -26
61 11-6-2011 11:34 GM4SLV Scotland 279 6m WSPR 59
62 6-4-2014 19:02 YT2AAA Serbia 296 20m WSPR -10
63 15-4-2011 19:02 9V1AL Singapore 381 30m WSPR 59
64 26-7-2009 18:12 OM1EI Slovak Republic 504 20m WSPR 59
65 30-12-2011 12:50 S57MK Slovenia 499 30M WSPR -14
66 28-12-2014 10:54 ZS2CON South Africa 462 10M WSPR -18
67 28-12-2014 11:06 EA7JHV Spain 281 10M WSPR -15
68 25-7-2009 08:58 SM0GXZ Sweden 284 30m WSPR 59
69 22-5-2011 11:40 HB9ADJ Switzerland 287 10m WSPR 59
70 6-4-2014 07:10 HS0ZHG Thailand 387 10m WSPR -29
71 25-12-2009 01:30 ZC4VJ UK Sov. Base Areas on Cyprus 283 40m WSPR 59
72 31-7-2009 06:30 UT7UA Ukraine 288 20m WSPR 59
73 27-12-2014 16:04 KE0N United States of America 291 10M WSPR -25
74 2-12-2014 12:06 CX2ABP Uruguay 144 10M WSPR -28
75 30-12-2011 00:00 YV4GJN Venezuela 148 30M WSPR -22
76 3-2-2011 15:14 XV4TUJ Vietnam 293 20m WSPR 59
77 6-4-2014 14:52 KH9/WA2YUN Wake I. 297 20m WSPR -22
78 13-10-2011 10:00 MW0BYS Wales 294 10m WSPR 59
79 13-10-2015 10:00 FY5KE French Guyana 63 40m WSPR -21
80 18-04-2016 15:58 TA2AEG Turkey 390 30m WSPR -24
81 10-10-2016 14:20 9K2/VO1DZA Kuwait 348 20m WSPR -24
82 15-10-2016 07:08 9A2WB Croatia 497 30m WSPR -24
83 24-12-2017 12:12 KP3FT Puerto Rico 202 20m WSPR -27
84 25-12-2017 09:24 HZ1AM Saudi Arabia 378 20m WSPR -26
85 25-12-2017 15:56 V51PJ Namibia 464 20m WSPR -26
86 22-02-2018 15:56 VR2BG Hong Kong 30m WSPR -25
87 22-02-2018 15:56 9L/KW4XJ  Sierra Leone 30m WSPR -25
88 03-05-2018 08:42 SV9KI Crete Isl. 20m WSPR -19
89 02-05-2018 21:36 PJ2BR Curacao 20m WSPR -29
90 20-05-2018 01:00 8Q7HI Maldives 40m WSPR -25
91 13-01-2019 20:44 IS0KYB Sardinia 40m WSPR -8
92 02-06-2019 05:36 AI6VN/KH6 Hawaii 20m WSPR -8
93 15-09-2020 15:54 S79RP Seychelles 20m WSPR -24
94 11-02-2021 08:14 8P4AA Barbados 40m WSPR -29
95 30-01-2022 15:02 GU3ONJ Guernsey 40m WSPR -10
96 30-01-2022 17:08 5B4AMO Cyprus 40m WSPR -23
97 30-01-2022 17:02 HB0BB Liechtenstein 40m WSPR -13
98 30-01-2022 15:28 R2FBI Kaliningrad 40m WSPR -13
99 01-02-2022 07:40 EA9UV Cueta&Melilla 40m WSPR -26
100 01-02-2022 06:58 4L0G Georgia 40m WSPR -17
101 28-04-2024 13:52 JW1ITS Svalbard 17m WSPR -22
102 03-05-2024 19:34 HK4CZE Colombia 17m WSPR -26
103 09-05-2024 22:20 BV5AC Taiwan 20m WSPR -23
104 01-02-2025 16:48 ZD7GB St.Helena 10m WSPR -10