Event: CQWW DX RTTY 2019
Section: Single Operator Low Power All Band
Logger: N1MM+ newest version
RTTY engine: MMTTY & 2Tone
Station: Icom IC-7300 70W
Antenna: Multiband Inverted-V 2x20m ladderline fed, apex @12m agl
After a small discussion about the contest PA4O Peter recommended I should try 2 receivers for RTTY. The standard MMTTY and 2Tone. His experience was that 2Tone sometimes decodes better as MMTTY. This was my first real contest with the IC-7300 and I saw it as a technical challenge to make everything work like it should for a proper RTTY contest station.

control I use with HRD. The higher speed setting is mainly to be shure the spectrum display in N1MM+ is working. So I had to make a different setting profiles with the help of WT2P Cedrick's description on his website. It also describes the RTTY FSK setup with the help of EXTFSK in MMTTY. I was smart enough to do this already on the 7th of this month.
Remembering all the setup challenges I had with the IC-706 over the past years I didn't expect it to work immidiatly, but it did! That was quite a relief! I made some QSOs and after a while I concluded everything worked rock stable. Time to do the second experiment, the setup of 2Tone. I found a good tutorial on rttycontesting.com. I got it working instantly. I have to say, the Icom IC-7300 makes live of a hamradio operator a lot easier....
But what are my experiences with this setup?
Well, first of all my transmit signal was better (read clean) since I use FSK RTTY now, but I don't think it gave me extra QSOs?
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Screenshot from the internal decoder |
I used 3 RTTY decoders: MMTTY, 2Tone and the IC-7300 internal encoder. Personal experience...well sometimes 2Tone was better, sometimes MMTTY and sometimes the internal RTTY decoder. Overall MMTTY was best in my opinion.
The N1MM+ spectrum display experience. Unfortunately almost useless. The only thing you can see is if a station that has been spotted can be heard at your receiver. But on a contest busy band there are so many spots and signals you can't see much actually....
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Screenshot from my computer. A bit messy....that's called experimenting. Click to see the big picture. |
Well, I consider this experiment as successful. I tried everything I wanted to experiment with and it all works. I will never get a good score in a RTTY contest just because I don't like it. Besides that I don't think you will get a good score with S&P. You need a good antenna, good propagation and....well I hate to write it but I think you need a bit of power at least for running. And then you need to get spotted and have a pile-up that does not end within a few minutes. And you need time, a lot of time. PA4O did participate for over 32 hours and ended up with 1220 QSO, that's a lot more as me (and probabely many others).
Above a map from most of the contacts. I operated just over 5 hours. ODX was YB1ELP (Indonesia, 11223km).