Monday, June 3, 2019

Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes

"Around the Arctic Circle, VHF radio signals are starting to echo from Earth's upper atmosphere--a phenomenon called 'Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes.'"
(txt from

I wrote a article about this phenomenon in 2017. One of my goals this year is to make a QSO with Japan on 6m. This is only possible for a few days in a year and so you need to monitor 6m every morning to see when a opening is there....

ES propagation is already appearing and signals from all over Europe are very strong some days. At my QTH though it takes a bit more to get a DX QSO. I noticed stations in Croatia, Austria and southern Germany did already make QSOs into Japan, Asia, USA, West-Indies, South America and Africa. It seems the further you live south the better propagation on the 6m band is. I sometimes even notice that between PA0O and me, Jaap does live approx. 15km south of me and even at that distance there can be a huge difference in propagation.

So far I managed to work one new 6m DXCC contacting 7X2TT from Algeria.

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