Thursday, May 30, 2024

My quest to learn CW (6)

 ...Slowly it goes...

These are the general statistics. What you don't see is how many attempts I made with the lessons. Here we go:

I completed the 28wpm/8wpm effective speed this month completing my goal; lesson 40 with 100% accuracy. I started all over at lesson 1 with a speed of 28wpm/9wpm effective and I'm close now to complete lesson 40 with 100%. You see my CW skill is improving...

Thanks to PF5T Frank who I met personally last Saturday on the radiorally. I started sending CW using the method Chuck Adams K7QO recommends in this document here:

Of course it is handy to see what he means. There are a lot of videos about it. One of it can be seen here:

Some people tell me it is more important to learn decode CW first and send the code later. But I find that sending morse with the paddle learns me to faster copy the letters at the LCWO lessons. I think everyone has their own method of learning. The method I try now suits me well, I have fun and notice I get better everyday.

Is it time to make my first CW QSO? Well, I'm afraid not....or am I just afraid?

Update 31-May: 


I can now continue with the next speed level....28wpm/10wpm effective.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Radiorally Beetsterzwaag purchases

 It actually is the only radiorally I go to once a year. Not that I need something but just because I like to be there and take a look around. This and the last few years I go together with my colleague and fellow HAM PD8HW Herman. He was actually searching for a morse straight key and a tone generator to try learn CW. We found something he could use well and had some chats with others about learning CW.  

These days you can buy everything HAM radio, even worldwide! But you cannot buy the knowledge, you can't buy headcopy CW. You have to learn yourself and that's what makes this a excellent challenge in this beatiful radio hobby.

Back to buying stuff. I bought some things less important. You know, ferrite clamps, small meters, tiny 1 euro thingies. We noticed that prices went lower at the and when everyone packed to go. 

It was actually rainy weather this morning. And some of the things for sale went wet. It was in a box full of old baluns that I found a wet white box, a little sticky as well, with a piece of coax sticking out. I could barely read what it was but saw the call of famous Belgian balun builder ON7FU and hexbeam balun. From what I've seen on the internet these are good quality baluns and have a very high power rating. Bought it for 2 euro only! Cleaned it a little for the picture, it didn't look that white when I bought it. But it was actually a real bargain I think as they are 139 euro new. Although the text on it reads not to open the box I'm curious what is actually inside.... Oh yes, I am a experimental radio hobbyist.....I will open it :-)

Another thing I walked by a couple of times is a band pass/low pass filter for 6m and 4m. A military type of filter. I'm not able to find any info or specs on the internet. The seller assured me I could also transmit through it. Might not need it but it intrigued me. I could not resist buy it in the end...

Does anyone know any specs of this filter? I cannot find anything about the Welex electronics company as well...

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

#6m Chile worked

A very good evening on 6m with strong propagation into South America. Worked the first new one on 6m this 2024 season. 

Had to stop at 23:00 local time. Even at that time there was still a lot that could be worked...

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Nice direct QSL surprise

 I don't know what it is to you readers of this blog? But receiving a direct QSL is special to me. It doesn't happen often. May be once in a few years. But today I received this nice QSL from AE2JL.

Detail, details... I think Joel loves poststamps as well. Never seen a round poststamp in my life. And I have been a poststamp collector when I was younger and before I became a HAM. So I've seen many poststamps... The QSL, an image of a amateurradio poststamp. And last of all....Joel send me a SASE for the returning QSL with.....dutch poststamps. Well, the returning QSL has been posted and on its way to New Jersey.