The station is just basic, I consider the antenna as most important in the whole installation. I'm constantly changing antennas since I like to experiment.
As from March 2025 this is my antenna setup:
From top to rotor:
Gainmaster 1/2 Wave vertical @16mh. T2TL design, it is actually a vertical dipole. I use the antenna from 24-29 MHz partly with the antennatuner. SWR on 12m is below 1:1,8.
3 band experimental halo @16mh. Homemade experiment with 3 halo fullwave loops in one antenna, single feedpoint with a diamond BU50 balun. Works on 20/17/15m. It looks like a cobweb design but is a little different. Have been using a 4 band version last year but this is a improved V2.0.
YU7EF 2 band 50/70 MHz 5/5 element beam @14mh. Homemade design from YU7EF. Works well but I want to update the feedpoint of this antenna in the future.
4 element LFA, commercial build antenna @13mh. Probabely this product came from Innovantennas. At least there is a beam sold on their site that is similar but this one has a pawsey stub on top. Works very well from 28-30MHz without tuner.
Inverted-V doublet @12mh. 2x50m including the ladderline. I actually bought a spool of 100m wire and cut it in half to construct this antenna. 2x22m for the antenna, the rest is ladderline. Spreaders are so called "roseclips". The antenna can be used from 3-22 MHz. Tuned with a Palstar AT1K with a homemade external 1:1 balun.
In winter I also use a inverted-L 25m @12mh with about 10 radials fed by an autotuner CG3000.
Check this site regulary as I will update it from time to time with new photo's and changes.
Last update: 17-March-2025
In winter I also use a inverted-L 25m @12mh with about 10 radials fed by an autotuner CG3000.
Check this site regulary as I will update it from time to time with new photo's and changes.
Last update: 17-March-2025