Just an idea but I don't really care about certificates. Might be a nice idea for another blogger. Anyway, I was just wondering how many hamradio bloggers did I meet on air? I actually documented most of the contacts on my blog here....
QSO with ex-EI8GHB now EI2KC Anthony:

I think this was my first encounter with a fellow blogger on air. We made a sked at 3 dec. 2009 on 80m.
Anthony keeps a blog but updates are rare. He was very active for a while and a excellent DXer (over 310 DXCC). But he's also a well know book writer and does research about ancient Ireland. In the dry summer last year he discovered remainings of old ruines with a drone which was kind of world news. Anthony is still active in some contests but I guess he's too busy with both work and family to have time for the hobby as well. I remember
I spoke with Anthony a few years ago again on 40m SSB and we encountered each other I believe on 160m CW in a contest as well.
QSO with ex-PC4T now PA0K Paul:
After a unsuccesful sked in 2009 we tried again in 2010, 80m PSK31. We managed to make the QSO finally after a try on JT65A. I did QSO with Paul more often through the years after Paul did get another radio and antenna and I did improve antennas as well.
Paul still keeps his blog updated several times a year. I always appreciate he is still around...Paul is also a gifted
photographer, I once suggested he should do some more blogposts with the excellent photographs he makes....a picture says more as 1000 words.
QSO with M6RDP Adam:

I worked Adam on 40m SSB in the PACC 2010 contest. Adam had a great hamradio blog in which he told very personal stories. However I believe he went through difficult times and stopped for a while. I even bought his Superantenna MP-1 at that time. Adam is also a SWL and
still keeps a blog which is updated several times a year. The old stories however cannot be found in his archives, I guess they were too personal. I'm not shure Adam is still active on air as hamradio operator anymore...
QSO wit G4ILO Julian(SK):
I worked Julian on 80m PSK31 with just 500mW, my first digimode QSO with my just purchased FT-817 in november 2010. The interesting thing is that Julian operated stealth with indoor antennas on the attic. Julian was a very well known blogger, had fun with the hobby and wrote great articles about hamradio. Unfortunately he died from a brain tumor but his
blog and website is still online. He will never be forgotten this way...
QSO with PA0O Jaap:

No link this time. I worked Jaap many times even before we both had a blog. And even last weekend! No wonder, because he's a neighbour station.
Jaap does keep a updated blog with all kind of subjects. A particulair point of interest is 50MHz DX, Jaap does have 213 DXCC on 6m since 1988, you can find a list on his blog. I remember one of the first times I heard Jaap on 6m he had such a loud signal I could not hear anything else on the band. I learned he had a 9 (!) element 6m beam at that time probabely with a bit of extra power...
QSO with PA3HHO Pleun:

Well, I worked Pleun a few times. First time was in the 2012 PACC contest.
Pleun does have a blog and it seems he recently picked up updating it again. He's especially interested in EndFed antennas at this time.
QSO with KL8DX Phil from Alaska:

I recently discovered the
KL8DX blog is still up for you to read the archives. I worked Phil in 2008 from my old QTH a month before we were moving to a new house and before I started this blog. I remember hearing/saw him in the morning with a signal 9+ on RTTY, it was my first QSO with Alaska on the HAMradio bands. I didn't know at that time Phil did keep a blog about his activities. It was always a interesting read. However Phil and family moved out of Alaska back to the USA and changed his call to AK7DD in the end.
He started a new blog which was updated till 2017. Unfortunately lost track after that and hope Phil is still active as HAM.
QSO with YO9IRF Razvan from Romania:
Fellow blogger Razvan kept a blog on blogger for a while but has now upgraded. You can find his current blog on
https://qrpblog.com/ Razvan moved to the UK and is now holding the call M0HZH as well. Razvan does not only design a lot of equipment for the hamradio hobby but loves to activate SOTA and YOFF portable.
QSO with ON5ZO/OQ5M Franki from Belgium:
Franki keeps an excellent blog. Actually I think he would be a great book writer. However these days it is only about occasional contests he does because he has to divide his time just like me between job, family life and hobby. Talked to Franki several times including the last CQWW WPX.
QSO with AE5X John from TX, USA:

John keeps one of
my favorite blogs. He's very active with all kind of radio hobby and technical subjects. But also tells stories about experiences on submarines on which he served. Just like me he occasionally writes about radio history. Unfortunately archive posts are hard to find on his blog. You can find some stories searching on his blog.
Eyeball QSO with PA1B Bert
I was surprised to meet Bert not on air but in real life at the VERON HF day in Apeldoorn, Netherlands. Bert is a specialist in QRPp and keeps a
real nice blog. He's well known for his homemade beer can or cilinder dipole antenna ;-)
QSO with ex-PD7BZ now PB7Z Bernard:
I almost forgot but Bernard had a blog as well. He kept it updated till March 2012. I don't think he remembers he has one but
it is still online! I know Bernard for many years, I already made numerous QSOs with him on 11m long before we got our licenses. We still try to work each other most of the contests we both participate in. Bernard also belongs to the PA6AA contest team.
QSO with M0YKS Simon from England:

I think Simon is one of the first
hamradio bloggers on the internet. Blogging about hamradio already in 2006! Always great to read his stories. I remember Simon's first daughter was born just after my daughter was born so both are about the same age. It's nice to see them growing up! I recommend viewing
Simon's QRZ page as well a lot of info about his interests. Simon has a nice
youtube channel as well...
QSO with MW1CFN John from Wales:
I met John in several occassions on air but the last one was with AM modulation on 40m. John keeps a very
interesting blog with all kind of radio topics as well. I learned about noctilucent clouds and propagation due to this phenonemon through his blog. John has a lot of other interests as well. Besides that he lives on top of an old coppermine near to the coast which is of course the best location for the hobby you can imagine.
QSO with PH0NO Lars:

I almost forgot I documented a very special QSO with this blogger. We made a QSO in JT65 using a very special messaging technique ;-).
Lars keeps a blog which is updated often with interested portable station experiments. Lars operates 99% portable. I've worked Lars in several occasions and we activated some special events together.
However I never met him in real life, I guess that will happen some time...
QSO with OH8STN Julian from Finland:
Julian and I met each other several times on air. This was the first successful QSO that was documented. We were both involved in experiments with FSQ and HFMessenger that now has evolved into JS8Call. Julian has a
blog on his Survival Tech North webiste. Although he is someone who is more into video and using social media a lot. Always a interesting read and view especially the "how to..." videos. Julian describes himself as Ultra-Portable, Digital QRP fanatic and video-creator.
QSO with EI7GL John from Ireland:
No link as I didn't describe it in my blog. John wrote me we made a QSO last year. And so we did, and even more I worked him in 2017 and in the year 2000 on 6m.
John keeps a excellent blog as long as I do (since 2008) and especially like his 28MHz updates.But he has a lot of info on other topics as well...
QSO with SV1GRN Panagiotis from Greece:
Made the QSO with him in 2009. I think Panagiotis does read more of my blog then I do read
his blog since it is mainly written in the Greek language. There is a translation option on his blog but I found it doesn't do well in translating. However, he deserves a place at my list of hamradio bloggers.
QSO with M7MCQ Tom
I contacted Tom shortly during my SES PE75FREE activation.
Tom has a excellent blog. Especially interesting info on various amateurradio equipment. But also writing about other topics.
QSO with GM4FVM Jim
Worked Jim on 70MHz MSK144 in a meteorscatter contact. Jim does a lot of DXing on VHF and has
a excellent blog I really enjoy to read.
Finally worked G3XBM Roger on 80m FT8. Roger is a
well known blogger and writes several short posts everyday. Mainly about our radiohobby but also about other things in life. Roger mostly works QRP with 2,5W and all kind of antennas. This time he worked with his earth electrode antenna.
Photo from QSOtoday.com |
VE3VN Ron worked on 15m and in the last CQWW (2024) on 10m SSB. Ron has build a super conteststation and
keeps an interesting blog about the things he encounters building, maintaining and using the station.
There you go....22 bloggers worked for the award! Hope I didn't forget anyone? If so, let me do a update...
Last update: 29-November-2024
(I realize I published personal photos from other bloggers. If you think it has a copyright and you don't want to show it here in this blogpost let me know so I can remove it.)