Well just when we arrived and had a cup of coffee we had a surprise meeting with fellow blogger PA1B Bert who is well known from his power attenuators and his energydrink can antenna's. That was a lot of fun of course and we had to make the picture for one or both our blogs...nice to meet you Bert!
Well, the presentation from Mr. Hernvall was very interesting but though a bit too much into detail. So sleep overwhelmed most of us... The presentation with DX tips was nice, but actually I did know all the tips probabely because I am experienced and read the "complete DXer" from W9KNI in which the most basic tips are already described. What was most interesting was the presentation about 3D2EU, unfortenately not heard or worked by me (not enough time). I spoke to some other well known dutch operators as well and saw some faces now from well known dutch DXers. At the end we were tired but finally went home with our trophies...a nice day,
Hallo Bas, leuk dat je daar Bert tegen kwam. Leuke foto ook. 73 Paul PAØK
Hallo Bas, je hebt de buit weer binnen. Het is je gegund. Leuk dat jij Bert tegenkwam. Ik weet zeker dat je een gezellige dag hebt gehad en het is altijd leuk om weer (oude) bekende tegen te komen. 73 Hans, PE1BVQ.
Hallo Bas, dat was een leuke ontmoeting en dat nog wel, zonder dat het gepland was. hi. We hebben leuk kunnen bij praten. Bedankt voor de Blog entry en de leuke foto. Tot ziens. 73, Bert
Leuk je gesproken te hebben Bert. Dat is het leuke van deze hobby, je komt interessante mensen tegen die je anders nooit ontmoet zou hebben. 73, Bas
Congratulations Bas!
Tnx Mike, 73 Bas
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