eQSL design for the PE45FREE account |
Just to let you all know the FREEDOM special event was a big succes! As far as I know the whole row of calls we used made more then 11000 QSOs. Personally with PE45FREE I made 1440 QSOs with 67 DXCC (approx. 51 QSO/day average!), more as expected. Overall I was QRV very early in the morning before I had to go to the job. Propagation then was sometimes very surprising. In the evening best band of choice was 40m on which I made about 600 QSOs these 28 days. Well, being on the radio almost every day I had the chance to work some interesting DX with my own call as well and even a ATNO with S01WS Western Sahara on 20m RTTY (just following fellow blogger EI2KC). From the FREEDOM stations that could have been worked I only miss PB45FREE, although I saw him spotted on the DXcluster I never ever heard him actually. The rest have been worked with my own call and sometimes the SES call as well. Of course I couldn't work myself.
I interested you can find some statistics here:
(Change the call for other statistics from the whole row PA-PH including PA45FREEDOM)
Unfortenately today I noticed the modes are not correct in the statistics page of my call, but this doesn't matter. It is correct in the log that is received by PG8M for QSL processing. eQSL log is uploaded yesterday and I will probabely upload the log to other pages as well.
Hallo Bas, leuk dat het zo goed ging. Mooi overzicht. De link naar PE45FREE komt uit bij PA45FREE. Propagatie blijft wonderlijk. 73, Bert
Hallo Bas, mooie resultaten. Ondanks beperkte zendtijd en propagatie. Leuke foto. 73 Paul
Hallo Bert, bedankt voor de reactie. Heb de link aangepast. 73, Bas
Hallo Paul, het ging boven verwachting ondanks de soms wat slechte propagatie. 73, Bas
Geweldige resultaten Bas, mijn complimenten. Ik snap niet waar jij de tijd en energie vandaan gehaald hebt om dit resultaat te krijgen. Toppie hoor!
73 Hans, PE1BVQ.
Snap ik ook niet Hans, denk ook een stukje gedrevenheid. Als je iets echt wilt dan kan het ook. Betekende wel om 5 uur opstaan in de morgen. Maar ik had het er graag voor over. 73, Bas
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