Sunday, May 17, 2015
2nd week PE45FREE - propagation up and down
Actually I was afraid I would not meet my goal of 1000 QSOs before the end of the PE45FREE special event activation. At the start of the week I sometimes had difficulties to get stations into the log. 40 m SSB is always doing a great job with pile-ups due to european and especially dutch stations that are interested and can easily be worked on that band. 100+ stations in a 1,5 hour is possible and actually I hope this will hold on till the end of the month to make some extra QSOs when time allows. I wish to work as many bands and DX as well. 20 m and 17 m were open early morning till late evening later this week. I was called by USA/Canada but also Japan and Australia. Even had one Colombia contact early in the morning. Unfortenately didn't have much time yet to operate on 10m at daylight. I did some QSOs but only inside Europe during ES propagation. I was asked several times to get on 6 m. But have no antenna up yet for that band. On digital mode I have mainly east European and Russian stations, they seem to be most active with PSK. SIM31 on the other hand is giving me some worldwide contacts, even Australia in the evening (long path?). At the moment the counter hits 771 QSOs in the log. If time allows it would be no problem to get at least 1000 QSOs in the log before the 28th of this month. In the mean time I worked 4 of the special event stations and PA45FREEDOM as well. Giving me enough points to get the digital freedom event award.
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hallo Bas, toch een mooi resultaat. De condities zijn inderdaad erg wisselend. De zon blijft maar actief. Terwijl de piek in 2012-13 was voorspeld. Intussen is het 2015 en blijft de zon erg actief. 73 Paul
Hallo Paul, ja dat soort dingen is niet te voorspellen. Ik kijk op van de afstanden die ik soms werk. Af en toe word ik geroepen door JA en is het station echt S7-9. Andere keren moet ik 3x vragen (vanmorgen nog) en kan ik eindelijk een call nemen, blijkt dat het VK is. Al met al is het best leuk eens te werken met een speciale call. 73, Bas
Hallo Bas en Paul, propagatie blijft je verbazen. Die heeft meer invloed dan de antenne. Veel plezier. 73, Bert
Hallo Bas en Paul, propagatie blijft je verbazen. Die heeft meer invloed dan de antenne. Veel plezier. 73, Bert
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