This first day of the activation of the special event stations listed PA-PH 45FREE seems to be succesful. I've seen several stations spotted already at lunchtime. Unfortenately I only have time in the evening and some spare time in a weekend. The 5th of May is a day off for most people here as that is the day our country was officially liberated in 1945. I will try to be more active that day.
I have a goal to make at least 1000 QSOs. So take a look on the cluster for me and listen to the radio.
Till now I was active on 17m SSB and 30m PSK31. A total of 35 QSO made. The amount of stations calling surprised me. There seems to be a lot of interest in this activity. At least 3 contacts were made with Japan,
For more info look at my
previous post:
Het loopt inderdaad goed. De eerste 2 award aanvragen zijn al binnen :)
73, Lars
Hallo Lars, ja er is genoeg pr gedaan en is behoorlijk interesse in de call.
Tenminste mijn ervaring tot nu toe is dat ik genoeg aanbod heb als ik roep. Zit nu op 93 QSO in een paar uurtjes. Probeer elke dag wat te doen indien mogelijk. 73, Bas
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