Anyone, anywhere need a QSO with me as special event PE45FREE?. If you want a sked please find my e-mail address on
QRZ.com and let me know, I'll see what is possible. I have 5 days to go but have limited time at daylight. The last day of the event (28th of may) I will try to be QRV in the morning from approx. 6- 10 UTC. Preferable SSB mode. Search for PE45FREE in the
DXsummit cluster to see when I have been QRV and where for best times.
I had limited time last week and didn't make that many QSOs. I find that most interest is on SSB as I get best pile-ups there. Especially interested are the east-europeans and russia. Although it could be a matter of propagation.
I'm sorry if all of you don't care about these last 3 posts. I know running and working a special event station is pretty boring. I actually never work SES stations myself as I am not interested. But let's face it. There are different ways to enjoy the hobby, some do this some do that. The nice thing of this SES activity was the activation of the whole row of Netherlands letter prefixes PA-PH. As far as I know this was never been done before and a very nice initiative. I'm having fun this month running pile-ups and work nice DX very early in the morning. Something I rarely experience or did before.
Hope to work some of my readers in the last 5 days of the event...