The russians made this prototype radio of the future. It comes close to the radio I once described in one of my posts. I guess they did read my blog ;-)
De russen maakten deze prototype radio van de toekomst. Het komt dichtbij de radio van de toekomst die ik ooit beschreef in dit blog. Volgens mij lezen ze mijn blog ;-)
Good morning Bas, yes when it comes to SDR radio the possibilities are endless. This can be a very exciting time for ham radio.
Not only that Mike, this radios buttons can be programmed as well. And the expensive version has WiFi, GPS etc. on board. This prototype is has a very spartan design I think. Besides that I don't think the screen is touchscreen. But that can be solved easily. I think this is the right way to go for the future. 73, Bas
Boy, if I thought my HW-9 was old, after this it belongs in an Egyptian tomb. No, a Neolithic tomb. Guess I qualify for the Luddite award.
I guess there are always people that really prefer a antique radio and enjoy it a lot. What is more fun then making a QSO with minimalist equipment. Technical progress is interesting, but it doesn't make the hobby any better in some ways. 73, Bas
Ziet er prachtig uit Bas,dat apparaat voor de toekomst.
Daar kan ik wel even naar staren, maar eerlijk gezegd, geef mij toch maar die ouderwetse tranceiver met draaiknoppen hi.
73 Hans, PE1BVQ
Toch is het wel interessant al die nieuwe technologi verweven met de "oude" radiohobby. Een "gewone" radio geft een heel ander gevoel denk ik. Het is ook maar net waar je mee groot gebracht bent denk ik. Over 50 jaar weten ze niet beter. 73, Bas
Design will serious changed in serial model - it will like a modern classical radio. Also will available touchscreen.
73. Vasily (RN6LHF)
I'm very curious Vasily. Especially the programmable buttons are interesting. Touch screen will be the future I think. And unless the Icom 7100 a full color screen is a must. 73, Bas
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