Time to abandon the deltaloop project. It is not a miracle antenna or my vertical is better as I think?
I probabely know what the real problem is. It is the same problem that is affecting my earlier vertical antenna experiments. Buildings around do have to much effect on the performance and the antenna is too low. On the picture you see a glass house, it has a iron/alu frame, the green hedge you see is not really a hedge, it is a iron frame with climbing plant. In front of the deltaloop is the house and then there is a garage with a lot of iron in it.....oh my not a good environment for a antenna close to the ground...
It started to rain when I dismantled the deltaloop. But I wanted to quickly install the PE1BVQ endfed. It is a 3 band 40m/20m/10m. Excellent as a back-up antenna. I ad some radials to increase some efficiency this time. I did a test on 20m after I placed it, it is not as good as the vertical on top of the mast but equal to the deltaloop including the S3 noise. The advantage however is that it includes 10m and 40m as well.
Well, no miracle antenna or secret weapon for the PACC contest next weekend. But I learned and tried something at least. It is fun experimenting with antennas although it doesn't always work as good as you hope for. I have to think of something else to improve my signal and possebilities on the 20m band. I guess the only thing that would really work is a directional beam...
Some years ago when I still lived in Drieborg the rural area I had a same experience with such a antenne on 30 meter. Everyhting I tried it never worked well. Build also Deltaloops for 40-20-10-11-6 meter and always they worked well, only the 30 meter antenne was not performing well at all. Never found out what it could be. Johan de PE9DX.
Tnx for the comment Johan, I'm shure the antenna worked well. But not good enough for me. I wanted to have a advantage over the multiband vertical on top of the tower. I thought a monoband deltaloop performance would be a lot better but this was not the case. I think it has to do with the height and the surroundings. But it was worth the experiment. You can't tell f it is better or not if you don't try. 73, Bas
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