I woke up this early morning especially to work HR5/F2JD after I saw him spotted last couple of days. And lucky me, I was one of the first that saw him. Then the calling starts, but no response. And since he spotted himself on the cluster the pile-up started, but no response from Gerard....Luckely Gerard communicates very well to the audience through the worldwide DXcluster....
Nice to know, but the frequency started to get crowded. For those that think FT8 is only simple computer to computer communication! There is a lot more involved to get the DX. I saw PG0DX Henry managing to make the QSO, so I thought this has to be possible. And finally somehow I got my signal through in the end...
Thanks Gerard, a nice one on 60m.
Great work Bas and as we learn more about FT8 the possibilities just keep growing.
Well, years ago it was PSK31 that ruled as digimode, now it is FT8. What will it be in 10 years? 73, Bas
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