eQSL has now 2 certificates you can get with JT9 digimode I hope activity will increase because of this. You can get those certificates when you got 100 DXCC JT9 QSO confirmed by eQSL (eDX100) and 50 USA states JT9 QSO confirmed by eQSL (eWAS). I think the ePFX300 award is to follow. I'm curious how many operators have worked 100 DXCC on JT9, I don't think there are already 100 DXCC active with JT9 actually so that will be a hard one to get. Overall these certificates are a great way to increase activity with JT9 as many do collect awards and want to have a goal to accomplish. I tried to make some QSOs in JT9 mode last evening but still find activity low compared with JT65.
Although not everyone is a certificate hunter it is nice to have a goal if you need one. To obtain the JT9 certificates on eQSL I still have a long way to go.
Some of the best designed eQSLs received are from digital mode operators and JT9 especially.
Still I am suprised there are not many more that use JT9 digimode but stick at JT65. I think it has to do with the fact that only WSJT-X is capable of JT9 at the moment and JT65 can be done by a lot of other programs.
Hallo Bas, JT65 bestaat al langer en is vrij goed ingeburgerd. Daarentegen is JT9 nog redelijk nieuw voor velen. Ik weet niet of voorstanders van b.v. JT65-HF een tegenstander zijn voor JT9 omdat het uit de stal van Joe Taylor komt. Ik denk persoonlijk doordat er minder JT9 gebruikers actief zijn men eerder geneigd is om op JT65 te gaan werken omdat daar altijd wel activiteiten zijn. Als ik op JT9 na een half uur geen reacties kreeg was ik ook weer snel terug op JT65 omdat daar meer te beleven valt en zo reageren de meeste.
73 Hans, PE1BVQ
Howdy, Bas! Yes, I'm looking forward to getting back on JT9! You were right, it's a great mode! I did still see more JT65 in my neck of the woods than JT9 but I very much enjoy JT9! I'm hoping to catch you on that mode someday. I'll be browsing the waterfall for ya when I get back on digital! 73, Phil AK7DD
Hallo Hans, ik denk dat je gelijk hebt. Datzelfde zie je ook met Opera en SIM31. Te weinig bekendheid, te weinig activiteit. 73 Paul PC4T
Hallo Hans, je slaat de spijker op z'n kop. Voorstanders en tegenstanders heb je eigenlijk niet. Het is meer de onbekendheid. Vandaar dat ik er ook aandacht aan besteed. Wil ook nog weer eens wat meer SIM31 doen. Opera heb ik wat tegen sinds ik in het begin geboycot ben om het programma te gebruiken. 73, Bas
Hi Phil, my signals have been heard in your area. So choosing te right band and may be greyline help it would certainly be possible to QSO on JT9. Hope to meet you on digimode in the future. 73, Bas
I agree there are few JT9 signals out there. Even with a stable crystal, it's still very prone to decode failures, which makes a slow mode even more infuriating! It's the lack of ROS and OLIVIA users that I don't get: perfect copy wven with signals on top of each other, superb for weak DX, yet hardly any users - why?
I used to like eQSL, but got fed-up with non-confirmations, especially by US ops, who prefer the home-grown LoTW. I still have no WAS on eQSL, but got it on LoTW and QRZ a while ago. It's also taking too much time to qsl on every system - QRZ did the right thing to team-up with LoTW. eQSL has a shaky future unless it comes up with something better than ever-more niche awards.
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