There is always something to do with or without our hobby. Sometimes a topic doesn't make it in my blog as other topics are more interesting. I came across some photos which were made for the blog but didn't make it (yet) or were not interesting or good enough. You can make up your own stories....
I removed some blogs from my blogroll again. MW0DNK, G3JKL, ZS6RI, JE2UFF and NU8Z did not update their blogs for over a year. I see many good blogs disappear, like people have nothing to write anymore. I can't imagine that, I always have something to write about radio & related. It's not always interesting what we as hamradio bloggers write about the hobby and sometimes it is. It sometimes does surprise me when I took a lot of effort and made investigations to write some posts on my blog and see that it is not a populair read at all. Sometimes I write posts without any effort and especially digital mode and personal experiences on the radio are populair topics that don't take a lot of investigation. It seems people want to know how I experience the hobby, what contacts I make on the radio and what my experiences are with contesting, loggers, antennas, WSPR or other (digi) modes. WSPR topics are always a very populair read. Digimode seems to be very populair in general. I think digimodes like JT65/JT9 will be the future. The JT modes are far more populair then a year ago. And when we are going into a solar minimum these low signal digimodes will be the way to work DX. Just my thoughts....
I'm very curious how amateurradio will change in the next 7 years....and since I slowly go into my 7th year of blogging about amateurradio you will read all about it right here...
I've always enjoyed your perspective and blog, Bas. We have similar interests but having never operated radio across the pond, it's always neat to read of challenges and propagation from abroad. Like you, I always have something to write about. Blogging is a great way to document things as well. I love going back to see what I've done in previous years and look at propagation reports from my very own writing. 73 and Happy New Year!!
Bas, it doesn't always have to be 'interesting' (whatever that may be).
I like reading this because it reminds me that there are a lot of people having fun with our hobby just like me, and sometimes they're having not so much fun. Just like me. So that makes almost everything interesting.
All the best in 2015 and have fun!
Same to me Phil. I regularly check the blog archive. And sometimes point out previous posts to other people if for example I come across a question at a forum about a topic I wrote about. I hope to read some of your adventures at your blog the next years. HNY to you and yours. 73, Bas
Hello Franki, that's one of the reasons I'm blogging. Sharing my thoughts with other radioamateurs around the world. Have fun as well, HNY to you and yours. 73, Bas
Hallo Bas, een van de redenen dat ik graag jouw blog lees is de variatie die jij hebt in je verslagen/verhalen. Totaal niet eentonig, iets wat ik bij veel bloggers mis. Maar zo heeft elke blogger zijn manier en de vrijheid om zijn nieuws te delen met anderen. Ga zo door! 73 Hans, PE1BVQ
Hallo Hans, bedankt. Je hebt daar wel misschien een punt. Ik heb interesse in veel dingen. Niet alleen DX of alleen digimode. En sta ook open voor iets nieuws. Inderdaad mis ik dat wel eens op andere blogs.
Ik hoop dat jij ooit nog eens een blog start want jij hebt ook wel het 1 en ander te melden. 73, Bas
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