A bit of a tradition on my blog. The highlights from last year and the goals for next year. If you like to read my post last year you can find it
here. This is one of the posts I'll be looking at many times next year. And did I meet my goals this year? I made my best score ever in the PACC and reached 4th place. I will not be able to beat that in 2015 for shure as I can't participate the full 24 hours this time due to family obligations. I did work some new DXCC, a record breaking 17 of them. And my soldering iron did heat up to build a
QRPp and a
fieldstrength meter and repair my
Icom IC-706,
Alinco DJ-G5 and
L/C meter. I did do some more WSPR and that resulted in 4 new DXCC a total of 76 DXCC on WSPR with 1W now. What can I tell, I'm a very satisfied radio hobbyist.
VERON Honor roll, climbed one place. Still in the top 100. |
2014 was a very interesting year. I made a decision to write this blog in English only as it takes too much time to write everything in Dutch. Sometimes I will supply a Dutch translation if time allows. Propagation was and is still very good despite the news that the solar maximum is over now. Highlight of the year were my QRP digital mode operations. With the best and most special contact made with
WP4JCF (Puerto Rico) at 6m JT65. Only 5W and my W2000 vertical at 6m above the ground were used, QRP to the max I think. Of course there were other highlights and fun things. Building a 28MHz HB9CV, actually build it 2 times this year, was a great experience again. My first QRPp efforts with WSPR. Discovering the new SIM digimodes. PE1BVQ Hans and me visiting the radio rally Jutberg together was a great day and despite the bad weather we had a lot of fun. The QRP skeds with PE1BVQ were really surprising. The 3 band endfed Hans made me and send me as a surprise. The activation of PA-00009 Rensumaborg in a couple of runs and participation in the Fieldday contest with this new endfed. The new QSL card I designed. The new N1MM+ contest logger made a entrance into the shack computer and so did a new version of WSJT-X. All very nice and happy things. But something sad happened as well. Fellow blogger, great experimenter and inspirator G4ILO Julian died in October. We will miss him a lot in the hamradio community.
The goals for 2015. Well, did think a lot about it the last couple of days. And actually it took me a few days to write this post. I think it is good to go for goals in the hobby. Of course I will continue to chase WSPR DXCC on all bands with a power of 1W or less. I reached 76 DXCC this year and it's going to be difficult to get some new ones. I regularly check the activity at WSPR.net but do not see much new ones these days. Wish there was some more activity from south and central america. I would still like to continue heating up the soldering iron and am making progress with the 30m WSPR AXE kit from Jay W5OLF which I already bought a while ago. It will be the first thing in 2015 to finish. I've some projects in and around the house here but still hope I can make time to start with the setup of the versatower in the backyard. Not 100% shure if time and money allows me to do that but you have to keep dreaming. I will continue digital mode QRP but it's not a goal, if I have the Icom connected with the modem it could be QRO as well. Certainly I would like to work some more JT65 and JT9. And occasionally be QRV from the mobile. I will participate in the biggest contests and Dutch contests as long as time and family allows. Chasing DX will always be one of the important things in the hobby for me and I hope to work some new ones again. It will be hard to beat this year though!
And now this is the last day of 2014. The last sentence of the year. Wishing you blog readers and fellow bloggers a very prosperous, healthy and happy new year.
Beste wensen voor 2015 Bas en veel radio plezier toegewenst.
Ook de beste wensen Ron. En natuurlijk een hele hoop radio plezier. 73, Bas
Hallo Bas, een mooie terugblik op het afgelopen jaar en goede plannen voor het komende jaar. Ik hoop dat je je plannen komend jaar zoveel mogelijk kunt verwezenlijken. Rest mij nog om jou, Renata en Anneli een hele fijne jaarwisseling toe te wensen en een Gelukkig en vooral Gezond 2015. 73 Hans, PE1BVQ
Hallo Hans, volgens mij hebben we elkaar al het goede al een paar keer gewenst. Maar het is nooit teveel. Dus voor jou en XYL ook een fijne jaarwisseling en al het goede voor 2015. 73, Bas
Congratulations on a great year, Bas! Once I get my shack computer back, I'm looking to update my software programs as you have done. Life can be busy but just a few minutes on the radio seems to be therapeutic, at least for me.
I'm looking forward to reading more of your adventures in 2015. I want to wish you and your family the very best. I hope 6 meters will once again be good to you! I'd be proud of that QSO, too! Thanks for sharing your travels down the coax and in the shack. 73!
Hi Phil, good to hear from you. I don´t know if I´ll do more 6m next year but this year was a absolute highlight DX wise. All the best for 2015. 73, Bas
Good morning Bas, seems things were really happening at PE4BAS this year and will continue to be so in 2015. It's nice to look over the past year to see what's gone on and you did a fantastic job at the run down at your location. I hope in 2015 the door swings wide open and you can get the remaining DXCC's needed! Thanks for the look at your ham happenings for 2014 and all the best to you, your wife and daughter in the new year.
Mike, for you and yours too all the best wishes for 2015. 73, Bas
Hallo Bas, de beste wensen voor jou, je vrouw en Anneli in geluk en voorspoed. 73, Bert
De beste wensen Bert voor jou en familie. 73, Bas
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