Logger: WSPR 2 - R1714
Station: Yaesu FT-817ND, 1W
Antenna: HB9CV pointing south.
Log converter: DL1HW Adif2Excel2Adif converter, UU0JC logconverter
Log analyzer: HRD V4
Looking back into posts from last year I noticed 1 of my goals for this year was to do some more in WSPR. So I really need to get to it again. PC4T was or has spotted TY/DF8UO recently on 10m. A DXCC I do not have in my list. Besides that I'm still hunting for a spot from T5/T61AA. I ran WSPR at 2,4 and 5 December with my HB9CV pointing south. Both stations I wished for were not active these days and so no new DXCC for my list, still at 75 DXCC. However I did get spots from 6 new band DXCC bringing my 10m total at 49.
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TX: 70 unique spots from 24 DXCC |
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RX: 98 unique spots from 28 DXCC |
I see a lot of people using WSPR. If you do so and read this, what are you doing with the spotting information?
I know for instance Roger G3XBM is blogging about the results and keeps track on the first and last spot and other interesting things. Bert PA1B is not WSPRing himself too much but analyzes the information for others, he can tell exactly how much power you needed to be actually still heard by a station that logged you.
I use the info to collect all band DXCC with max. power of 1W, similair to the DX hobby. I'm very curious about others? Or are you just looking at the results everyday and then find it amazing that your 5W QRO signal has made it across the pond? Let me know...
Een hele goeie vraag Bas. Dit jaar besteed niet veel tijd aan WSPR omdat ik mijn 817 ook voor andere dingen gebruik dus alleen als ik echt niets te doen heb, laat ik WSPR lopen. Eigenlijk zou ik het meer moeten gebruiken, maar goed, zo is de situatie nu. Wat ik doe is dat ik het kopieer naar Excel om het op een later tijdstip nog eens nader te bekijken. Binnenkort hoop ik nog een tweede EndFed te monteren en krijg ik wat meer mogelijkheden om WSPR wat meer in te zetten en dan serieuzer met de resultaten om te gaan, want het blijft een interessant weak signal propagatie programma. 73 Hans, PE1BVQ
I've been wondering that myself as I await my 10m WSPR kit. It should be here in a week or two. I think what I'll do with the spots is just let them amaze me for a while. After that, it would be good if there were a way to actually learn something useful about propagation.
Years ago, I had a 10m CW beacon on the air and received a lot of reception reports. The most interesting (and educational) reports were those from listeners who copied my beacon on unusual paths on a band that was largely inactive due to being thought "dead".
But CW reception reports rely on someone actively tuning, hearing and reporting. WSPR automates all that. My plan is to turn on the beacon during times when the band is dead or when solar numbers say propagation should be impossible. I may also turn the antenna in directions that would favor a long-path report.
73, John AE5X
Het mooist zou zijn als je een stand-alone trx had zoals het ontwerp van Hans Summers of zoiets als Roger gebruikt. Dan kun je de FT-817 op andere banden gebruiken. Daarom WSPR ik ook niet heel erg veel, want vind het ook zonde van de energie gebruikt door de computer. 73, Bas
Hello John, very curious about your 10m WSPR kit results. I guess we will read about it in the blog. Although years ago CW reports were not automated now it is with the skimmer reports. But still WSPR is of course more sensitive and probabely more specialized stations reporting. Long path investigation would be a interesting thing to do with the info. 73, Bas
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