Friday, August 28, 2020

End of a season...

Not only the end of the ES-season but also the summer is ending. Most swifts are already gone on their journey to Africa again. This short video was made a few weeks ago, when a lot of young swifts were landing on my antennas.


stu neslig said...

hi Bas
is that some form of new DX technique ?
does it help with propogation ?


PE4BAS, Bas said...

Yes Stu, it supports a new digimode. Slow, and one direction. Takes some time but will deliver message to Africa. 73, Bas

Photon said...

I often think about what a migratory bird's perception of the Earth must be like. I guess they have a genuinely planetary perspective, especially some of the ocean-going birds that travserse hemispheres in a few days. Our human view is extremely limited, by comparison.

PE4BAS, Bas said...

Well John. birds are very different from people....but it is fascinating to see those little creatures. And think about their travel to Africa and back to northern Europe next year. Such small birds but great travellers...73, Bas