I was really late this season. The PE75FREE activation in May consumed all radio time. I've been thinking about mounting the 5 element 6m ZX-Yagi into the tower again but plans changed when the idea of a duoband beam came up. Well you know the story by now and otherwise you need to check the archives of this blog.
First real DX was with UN7ZO (Kazakhstan) on the 16th of June. Confused about the call on the QSL? Well it seems Dmitriy just changed his callsign...

Next day on the 17th of June I worked ZB2IF (Gibraltar) for a new one. I never heard or seen stations from Gibraltar on 6m before, I wonder why? But now I got one in the log.
OD5KU (Lebanon) was worked at the 21st of June. Heard him many days after the QSO. Evidence of a good station and active operator. And good propagation to the middle east of course...

ZA5G (Albania) worked on the same day a half hour later. New one for me on 6m.
The 21st of June was my DX lucky day since I worked C31CT (Andorra) another 6m new one.

The transatlantic path opened more often now and a the 2nd of July I worked PV8DX and PV8AZ (Brazil). I found this QSL on the QRZ page of PV8AZ. I think the stations know each other well, they are in the same QTH Boa Vista.
WP4G (Puerto Rico) was worked on this day as well, not a new one though...

In the morning of the 4th of July I worked 7Z1SJ (Saudi Arabia) for a 6m new one. I remember I saw him, worked him and never saw him again. It has to be a lucky propagation lift at that moment.
On the 9th of July I worked JW7QIA (Svalbard) early in the evening. Wrote a blogpost about it. Wish I could work him on 4m as well. Hopefully that will happen another year...

And finally the last new one on 6m was a fast contact with the digimode FT4. I was just lucky to work HB0WR (Liechtenstein) in the morning of the 26th of July.
The above station are the most interesting for me personally. But besides that I worked a few other interesting DX stations. To name a few: FG8OJ (Guadeloupe), W4TAA, W2PKY, K4CVL and many more from USA, JA1GAP, JH4IFF and JA5EXW (Japan), 4Z5LA (Israel), UN3GX (Kazakhstan), HZ1SK (Saudi Arabia)
Yes, it certainly was a interesting ES-season!
Excellent results, Bas! I didn't try much on 6m, but did manage many US stations, and also managed FG8OJ on July 03.
Tnx John, I enjoy 6m propagation as much as I can. Congrats on the FG8OJ contact. Remarkable! 73, Bas
Hallo Bas,je kunt nog wel even vooruit. Ik heb 190 dxcc landen alleen met Es, Tep en Tropo. Tijdens de laatste F2 openingen, zowat 20 jaar geleden zat ik vooral op 10 en 12 m. 73, Pe5t
Hallo Kees, ik kan zeker nog wel even vooruit. Ik ben nog maar net zo een 20 jaar gelicenseerd zendamateur. Dus heb nog wel even te gaan hoop ik. Elke band heeft wel wat, 10m en 12m zijn ook erg mooi maar met weer heel andere propagatie en mogelijkheden. 73, Bas
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