The next day I was at home in the afternoon and could finally test if I was able to make a QSO. That was no problem at all. RW3QW answered my 1W PSK63 signal. Actually the QRPver is a complete 1W output single frequency transceiver and it does a surprisingly good job. It is as small as a package of sigarettes and consumes approx 300mA when transmitting and only 20mA when receiving. You can imagine all kind of ideas you can do with this 20m transceiver like a 1W DX station working as many DXCC you can on 20m PSK, monitoring station, beacon station or whatever you like. Find a tranceiver that fits you best on the QRPver site. I'm shure it is possible to pick any frequency you want if you want to buy one. Personally I think I would like to have a 20m JT65 version but I know if you want to use it for example in portable communications a 40m model would be a good choice.

Well John, I really enjoy playing with it. Although I've not yet decided what to do with it?
I might set it up as a beacon for a while. Or keep it as a demonstration transceiver if someone likes to know how digimode works. It is easy to bring with you. The only other thing you need is a 12V battery or small PSU, some coax and a 20m antenna. Thanks very much for this tiny gem and the best wishes from northern part Netherlands.
Gefeliciteerd Bas met deze mooie aanwinst. Leuk man!
Heel veel plezier er mee en dat zal jou best wel lukken.
73 Hans, PE1BVQ.
Glad to see it works well for you Bas. The best thing about psk31 is that you can listen to music while you operate! 73,
John AE5X
You noticed that John, that's why I like digital modes. The QRPver works very well. 73, Bas
Hallo Hans, lukken doet het vast. Dit was al een hel mooie test. 73, Bas
Hallo Bas, gefeliciteerd met deze pocket transceiver. Hij doet het nog goed ook. Leuk om op vakantie mee te nemen. Succes, 73 Paul PC4T
I like it, but it would have to be cheaper before I purchased one..
£ Vs the $ exchange rate is not good here at the moment.
73 Steve
Misschien neem ik hem wel mee op vakantie. Ik wil hem ook nog eens testen op de MP-1 antenne. Leuk gadget is het zeker en erg eenvoudig. Een computer een zendontvanger en een antenne meer heb je niet nodig. Met een kleine tablet of telefoon zou je een heel klein station kunnen hebben met toch nog een flinke reikwijdte (afhankelijk van de condities). 73, Bas
Well, it's just how much money you want to spend I guess. I think 80 USD is a high price for just a monoband one frequency transceiver. Look at the cheap baofeng ht's which can do a lot more. I'm shure if some clever chinese had made and produced this design the price would be about 20 USD including postage worldwide. 73, Bas
Don't speak too quick Bas, you can bet they will be on the copying bandwagon soon!
Hi Bas, I was studying up on these types of standalone digi-modes rigs and lo and behold ran across your blog! Long time no see I'm afraid. Anyway, thanks for the hands-on review, looks like a lot of fun! 73, TI2/NA7U
You're welcome Casey, long time no see! 73, Bas
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