So, what have been the highlights? Lets start at January till March, I decided to take up the challenge of working 100 DXCC within 100 days QRP. And never thought I would make it, but I worked those 100 DXCC in 79 days. I think I was just in time as propagation is not as good anymore as it was at the start of the year. As always we are sliding down from the 11 year maximum and in the next years radio propagation will get worse. I see it as just another challenge because even when propagation is at it's minimum there is still communication possible even on DX. The always important PACC contest was difficult again, 2 birthdays and no time, participated once again QRP. But I won the DKC contest again in the section low power SSB. Another highlight was working VK0EK Heard Island, received VK0EK with very very low signals but knew they had excellent ears and looking for weak signals. Trying and trying for many evenings and finally they logged me a GE4BAS on 40m CW. But it was corrected and I got VK0EK confirmed. I'm curious if I will ever talk to Heard Island again? 6 new DXCC were worked this year and that is a lot less compared with last year. I suspect next year will be even more difficult to get new ones in the log. I was active from another country being OZ/PE4BAS for a week in April, I had fun but not that much time to make QSOs. I was not that much active on 6m this year it seems propagation on that band is not as good as years ago, besides that 6m opens in summertime and that is no radio time for me. I doubt if I will ever be more active on that band although magic can happen. 60m is more my DX band lately although the real DX can only be worked deep in the night or very very early in the morning. It's kind of a challenge just like the decreasing propagation.
Winter 2007, previous QTH |
To all my blog readers wishing you a very healthy and good 2017.
Hallo Basa, leuk die terugblik maar ook triest om 2 goede vrienden te moeten missen. Ik hoop van ganse harte dat de Versatower dit komende nieuwe jaar fier de lucht in zal wijzen en jou nog mooiere DX gaat geven. Bedankt dat we dit jaar weer konden genieten van je mooie en interessante blog. Fijne jaarwisseling en een Gezond en Gelukkig Nieuwjaar voor jou, Renata en Anneli. 73 de Hans, PE1BVQ.
Basa moet zijn Bas. Sorry!
Hallo Hans, bedankt voor je reactie. Het gaat allemaal goed komen. Fijne jaarwisseling voor jou en Marianne. 73, Bas
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