Not really HAMradio related....or is it. In essence any mobile phone is a HAMradio isn't it. Anyway, my Iphone 8 battery died last week. I was only able to use the phone with the charger connected. So I ordered the necessary things to replace the battery. A new battery, battery sticker to mount it in the phone and a new screen sticker to mount the screen to the Iphone again. I already had the special tools needed for this repair. Unfortunately, my vision is no longer what it was 20 years ago. So I also use a big magnifier glass with LED light build in. The whole operation can be done in 15 minutes, if you know what you are doing and....if you're lucky. I had no luck and it took me at least 2,5 hours to complete the whole replacement.
Above the Iphone when I finally got it apart. It wasn't that easy but I managed to disconnect the screen from the phone. Then it took me at least 30 minutes to remove the old sticker that glues the screen to the bottom part. The assignment was "simple", remove all the old sticky material.
Next assignment: remove the old sticker that glues the battery to the phone. No way.... it was not possible to get grip on the old stickers. After 30 minutes of trying I decided to lift the battery which it did, although not without damage. This it took me another 30 minutes to remove the old stickers. All included I was 1,5 hours on my way to success.
Connect the screen again. But the connectors are so tiny you have to feel if they fit in. At my age feeling is not that good anymore. It took me at least 15 minutes to connect 4 connectors to the motherboard again. Have I told you about the screws?
At the right you see the largest screw. The others were smaller, I could barely see them. I managed to screw them all in with the help of my magnifier glass. You see that I already fitted the new screen sticker which I am shure I pushed in well at the sides so it would stick well. The blue protection is removed just before I fit the screen again. But not good enough... 2 hours...
Part of the sticker came loose when removing the protection layer. At that point you can't do anything. You hold the screen with one hand and with the other you have no choice and so I carefully tried to stick the sticker inside the phone. I think it doesn't matter if 2 cm at the side of the screen is not glued, while the rest is. And actually after mounting everything you didn't see it at all. Battery health is now at 100% again, mission completed.
I also ordered a new tempered protection glass for my screen but unfortunately it was way to large, prbabely for an Iphone 8+. Not that important and something for later. At least I can call and app again. And if I want remote control my radiostation, do some morse training and watch the DX cluster.
WOW....some time ago I too had an Iphone that was in need of a battery change. I looked online at some YouTube videos and the battery/kits. I decided to take it in to get the job done. The cost was somewhere between 40.00 to 60.00 plus the battery. As you said he was done in no time. I guess once you get started this job on your own you are commented to keep going. Great work and congrats for sticking with it for the amount of time you did.
Hello Mike, tnx for the comment. Yes it is possible to bring the phone to a repair shop. Although it is a 25km drive from here. But in the end I think it was faster to go there. After watching the youtube video about replacing the battery I estimated it would take 15 minutes. But unfortunately murphies law kicked in. I'm glad the phone works again. 73, Bas
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