Sunday, March 16, 2025

First VBand experience

Yes, it is made like this. VBand adaptor.

 My first experience with VBand today. 

I fabricated a kind of adaptor with an old mouse. I opened it took the printboard out and soldered a connector to my paddle parallel to the switches that work for the dot and the dash. Not the best thing but it seems to work. I first did some practice and for me 14 wpm works best for now.

However VBand is not really forgiving or my timing is very bad. I was hoping for a QSO with the build in QSO robot, but I struggled. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong except that my timing seems not be that good. It seems that the robot gets confused? I managed to send a report and name. The robot came back with a report and name. And then it kept calling "hw cpy?". I tried to give a report again but it seems it's not what the robot expects?

So I took the opportunity to try another channel. I saw some dutch looking calls. Makes it easy because we can key in the same language.

I had a nice QSO with Hielke NL8120. Hearing his CW was great but VBand also has problems with his keying it seems. Anyway, it went better as I thought. At least we could understand each other. We exchanged QTH, names were already known of course. It was very nice to have a chat in CW for a change.

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