Friday, January 5, 2024

2023 statistics

 Here are my 2023 statistics.

Not the first year I got more digital contacts as phone or cw contacts, I had this as well in 2019. It is a bit controversial since I took part in the CQWW SSB contest as member of PA6AA. Not shure about the numbers but I believe I made about 1000 SSB QSOs in that contest. I you count that for 2023 the phone percentage will probably be higher compared to data. I never made such a high percentage of CW contacts in a year though, I hope this will increase in this year.

My monthly QSO statistics. February and March are generally the contest months. CQWW SSB is in oktober, actually you can add 1000 QSOs to those 244. They are not in my own log due to participation in the PA6AA contest group. It actually surprises me that I made that much QSOs in summer.

Not surprising is the increased number of digimode contacts. Lets face it, it's todays way of making QSOs. DXing on 6m and 4m is 99% with FT8. Other bands follow. Did a lot of SSB as well and don't forget to add another 1000 to the 1224, you know why if you read this post well. My CW contacts are almost doubled compared to last year. And last but not least I made 4 FM contacts, 2 of them with stations in Africa!

Interesting the 30m and 12m are left behind. I really tried to be on those bands more often but from the number of contacts I'm not shure I managed to do that. I think that, although the numbers are lower, those are mostly DX contacts with DXCC I did not work before on those bands. The 4m band looks if I didn't spend a lot of time there but that is not true, I check it often. The band is not really open for DX that much. Local contacts can be made there, I did....2 of them :-)

My DXCC numbers at the end of 2023:

Just for archive purposes...


Jeff Davis, KE9V said...


Congrats on closing in on 2K in the Challenge!

I'm sitting at 600 -- so a long way to go just to cross the 1K mark. Maybe this year?

73 de Jeff KE9V

VE9KK said...

Good morning Bas, very nice run down of the years contacts. Nice to see the CW contacts are increasing. As for the digi modes I sure can understand how they begin to stack up. When In the past when I was making FT8 contacts I was able to put 40-50 in the log within a 1/2 hour. I agree your SSB contacts should have another 1000 added.