Wednesday, March 6, 2019

More #60m DX - The lazy DXer

Call me a lazy DXer but....I don't sleep well last 2 nights. I wake up all the time with the feeling I'm missing the DX. That was after Henry PG0DX told me he goes to bed early to wake op very early and work all the rare DX. However, I didn't go to bed early but was on 60m all the time till late. I noticed there might be a chance at very good DX and I know some DX is active (my list in earlier post). So, I woke up this morning and decided to look what the propagation would bring to me...I left the radio/computer on to monitor 60m FT8 all night.

It seems propagation was really good and worldwide contacts were possible. Some reported Alaska and Hawaii as well but I didn't see them unfortenately. However a QSO was made with 2 new 60m DXCC for me. First HC2AO (Ecuador), second HD8M (Galapagos Isl.). Think about it, we are at the bottom of the solar cycle...but this would never happen if there was no FT8 digimode. If we would try this 10 years ago this DX was simply not possible.

I noticed DP0GVN spots me quite often the last couple of days both in the evening as now in the morning. I already worked Antarctica but still it is interesting to see that a propagation path is there every day.

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