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Heard list last weekend |
The differences
FSQcall | FLdigi | |
Possible to send webcam images direct from webcam | Not possible to send webcam images direct from webcam | |
Possible to start receive images manually | Not possible to start receive images manually | |
Possible to add a message at sounding transmission | Not possible to add message but sends sounding time in monitor | |
Sends station heard list without reports | Sends station heard list inclusing time heard and signal report | |
Sounding transmits between other transmissions | Sounding has no priority and waits till other transmissions are over |
There might be even more differences but these are the ones I discovered so far. It also occured to me that originally FLdigi callsigns are not set in lower case. If you want to work on FSQ with FLdigi please configure "call in lower case" under tab modems -> FSQ.
Then the case why my receive images were not opened automatically at FSQcall when someone started transmission of a image. My tests revealed that you always need to direct your message and also the transmission of your image. That means if you want to send your image to everyone for reviewing you need to do it like this "allcall%" open your picture send screen and send your message. In FLdigi it opens automatically. That way all receiving stations on the channel will automatically receive your picture. Now it puzzles me how to do that when you want to retrieve the webcam image from FSQ at you opposite station as it is a non directed transmission when you get it with for example "pe4bas% w" it just starts transmitting the image and for FLdigi users that is a problem as they cannot start the image receive manually as far as I know.
Well, I hope this is not to chaotic for you all to read. Most of it has come up in my mind yesterday and today. I don't know which program I prefer for FSQ. If you use Linux it is simple, you choose FLdigi. When using Windows you could run both programs at the same time and use what you please.
Just for FSQ beginners. The picture transmission is not synchronised. That means you have to correct your image after you receive it. The program is sensitive and you need to not start other programs when you receive a image. Above in the picture at the left after I received a photo and at the right after correction. The image was send from pe4bas/p (on dummyload) -> pe4bas and signal was about -5dB
Last but not least a picture from FLdigi with FSQ just after I send a webcam picture to "allcall". This time the receive pic screen opened and after correction this was the result, Don't look at the frequency, the radio was not CAT connected. I tested on 10.144.
I will keep an eye on this mode and software as this is worth some more experimenting. What I showed is just part of the possebilities FSQ has. If you read the manual you will discover that it is capable of exchange telemetry and could be connected to all kind of things like for example a weatherstation. These things are beyond me knowledge but interest me. I hope some of the users will try and make FSQ even more interesting.
Richard G3CWI observed some interesting things as well. You can find his research so far on his blog here: http://www.sotabeams.co.uk/blog/fsq-data-system-tested/
Excellent you information and image
Hallo Bas, mooi lijstje, ik heb helemaal niets gehoord. Vreemd. Ik zie op de foto van FLdigi dat in de waterfall jij aleen een groen balkje hebt ik rood en groen met twee rode verticale lijnen. Als ik FSQcall wil downloaden krijg ik een rood scherm dat het een onveilige site is en breekt het downloaden af. Ik heb het idee dat FSQcall beter is dan FLdigi. (?) 73 Paul
Hallo Paul, FSQcall site is inderdaad onveilig. Ik stuur je de file wel als ik weer thuis ben. Maar het werkt in FLdigi ook prima. Beide programma's werken uitstekend. Maar er zijn kleine verschillen. 73, Bas
Thanks Juan, now please get on the air with FSQ ;-). 73, Bas
Hallo Bas, ik heb beide programma's gelijktijdig draaien en zie dat FSO beter decodeert dan FLgigi, maar dat kan aan de instelling liggen. Ik moet er de tijd voor nemen om alles uit te proberen. Helaas geen CAT sturing maar met de VOX van de FT-817 gaat het ook prima. Alleen jammer dat ik bezet was afgelopen weekend dus kon niet lang er mee bezig zijn. We blijven zo lekker bezig met digimode experimenten.
73 Hans, PE1BVQ.
Hallo Hans, dat zou best eens zo kunnen zijn. Heb het verschil nog niet bekeken. Moet wel opmerken dat er geen enkele synchronisatie of foutcorrectie op FSQ zit. Dat heeft zo zijn nadelen. 73, Bas
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