Radiowise I brought my FT-817 and Superantenna MP-1. The MP-1 was mounted on the Hama tripod and hardly survived the snow and high winds. But this small antenna was amazing again. With only 1W WSPR on 30m I was heard in New Zealand at ZL1RS, several stations in Australia, USA and Canada. But the Netherlands was too close. Yes I received PA4O who is also in the northern part of the Netherlands and close to my homeQTH, but he was almost the only one. So I decided to go for 40m and received PA4O again as well as PA4GB who lives nearby my homeQTH. Fellowblogger PC4T was received on 40m as well. Unfortenately PE1BVQ Hans who was really looking for me was not received by me in Denmark. However, he did receive my signal with a respectable -19dB. It was my plan to activate my W5OLF WSPR transmitter at home to see if I could receive it. But unfortenately something went wrong and I only found out when I was in Denmark. I don't know exactly what went wrong but the transmitter did not send any signal or the timing was wrong. Well, you can't have everything and I don't think I was able to receive the signal anyway. I tried to make some maps from the log. But it seems the wsprmap at does not accept extended prefixes like OZ/. The map on does I think but only goes back 24 hours. I've made some JT65, JT9, PSK31 and PSK63 contacts as well, but no shocking DX. Just for the fun of it. I was active on 20m for a few ours last Friday and packed late in the afternoon.
Well, it was a nice experience. I've learned a few things again. I should buy a smaller and lightweight power supply for the FT-817. The one I brought this time was too heavy. And I have to make some mods to mount of the the Superantenna MP-1. It really is not made for being in high winds. Another big thing is the digimodem, doing a fine job but it should be smaller. The laptop I have is just good enough for WSPR but has problems with JT65/JT9. FLdigi however, as PSK software, did a great job on my old laptop.
The holiday was great. And we certainly want to visit Denmark again.
Good evening Bas, nice to see you have made it home safe and that hi way in Germany sounds interesting!
73, Mike
Hallo Bas, lekker om zo even vakantie te vieren. Ik ben nog nooit in Denemarken geweest maar het schijnt er wel mooi te zijn. Leuk om zo met wspr bezig te zijn op vakantie. Mooi resultaten, maar voor de short skip was het niet te doen om Nederland te bereiken. Wel grappig dat je mijn signaal wel oppikte. 73 Paul
Hello Mike, I can assure you those highways in Germany are not fun at all. Unless you have a racecar yourself it is not safe to drive there. But anyway, I managed to get us back home again ;-). 73, Bas
Hallo Paul, Denemarken is een prachtig land. Ik kan het je aanbevelen. De beelden op de foto staan aan de kust in Esjberg. Erg imposant en ongeveer 20m hoog. De natuur is heel erg afwisselend. Ik had erg weinig ruis op de locatie waar ik was. Jij hebt juist veel ruis, dus ik sta er niet van te kijken dat je mij niet ontving. Daarbij vind ik het wel knap dat PE1BVQ Hans mijn signaal heeft opgepikt! 73, Bas
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