Paul's screenshot of my signal |
PC4T Paul and I had a sked which was moved from yesterday to today due to other obligations. It almost went wrong at first as I discovered 5 minutes before the sked my battery powering the autotuner was low and the charger had switched of supply to protect it. So I had to search for a alternative 12V supply. Found an old PSU but it went defective when I switched it on. Luckely I still had my 7Ah battery which I use for QRP operations and used that for the time being. Just on time I switched the computer on....oh no....3 updates! A couple of minutes too late but I was there. Paul and I tried JT65A first but that wasn't working. I proposed JT9 and after almost an hour trying we succeed to make a contact. At -27dB levels it is just a matter of luck and perseverance. I worked at 40W with the Icom IC-706 and the multiband vertical, switched on the 250Hz CW filter and NB off to create extra sensitive receive. Paul was also working at 40W with the Yaesu FT-450 and his 3 band endfed as far as I know.
Ja, dat klopt allemaal Bas. Toch weer leuk om te doen. In het begin van de avond zag ik veel meer stations op 160 m, nu om 23 uur zie ik vrijwel niets meer. JT9 is toch iets gevoeliger blijkt. Een mooie mode die vaker gebruikt zou moeten worden. 73 Paul PC4T
Hallo Paul, ik heb ook al eens eerder met Hans PE1BVQ getest. Kwamen we eigenlijk ook steeds bij JT9 uit. Bedenk wel dat dit een jaar of 5 geleden nog helemaal niet mogelijk was, toen hadden we dit QSO gewoon niet kunnen maken...73, Bas
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