Saturday, November 1, 2014
Test HB9CV without cap
Oh yes, there are a couple of DXpeditions on and forthcoming that I really want to work. This is possible especially on the 10m band. But I need a better antenna and time to work them. Last monday I had limited time like always. Need to do some more painting on the house and all left me a few hours to experiment with the HB9CV. Luckely the weather was dry and a reasonable temperature. I first made a better connection between the boom and radiators. Then I experimented with the "gammamatch" till I had the best impedance possible. Tested it again in the shack and was not satisfied yet. Best SWR was on 27,9 MHz now and 1:2,5 on 28,5. I decided to make all elements 2cm shorter. A good gamble as the best resonance and SWR is now on 28,1MHz. At 14UTC I though I had to get my harmonic Anneli from school (a one minute walk) but asking my XYL it should be at 14:15. So I had 15 minutes to mount the beam on the mast and get it up to see how it does. I did manage it in 12 minutes. Then I did a run to the shack to see if SWR was right. It could be better, best SWR on 28MHz now 1:1.3 and rising to 1:2 at 28,5MHz with R=38 and X=6. A perfect antenna doesn't exist, but it is good enough to get 100W out of my radio. I turned the radio on which happened to be tuned near the VK9XSP frequency. Had to turn the beam to east, VK9XSP was S9 and calling CQ up 5. Called once and was in the log. 14:14 now, 14:15 at school to get Anneli home. ATNO worked VK9XSP Christmas Isl. That's what I really like in the radioamateur hobby!
Now, later in the afternoon I wanted to make a video to show you the difference between the vertical and the HB9CV. As well as testing front-back-side ratio. Oh yes, there happened to be more DXpdeitions coming in real strong on the HB9CV. Easy as that I worked Madagascar 5R8M not a ATNO but a new one on 10. After that I worked FH/F4FET from Mayotte a all band ATNO. Wow, the HB9CV works again and does a incredible job. I'm always surprised how good this antenna works for the size it has. I'm ready to work the DXpedition of the year FT4TA on Tromelin Isl.
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Good afternoon Bas, I will say with your time management is fantastic! It sure does sound like the antenna is working just perfect and so far you have made some very impressive contacts.
Hallo Bas, de resultaten zijn er naar, perfect. 73 Paul
Hallo Bas, dat was wel even een race tegen de klok, maar je hebt het gered hi.
Maar de resultaten liegen er niet om. De HB9CV doet het erg goed, dat is wel duidelijk te zien in het filmpje. Ik hoop dat je de jongens van FT4TA op Tromelin Islands kunt werken. Veel succes en good DX, 73 Hans, PE1BVQ
Impressive indeed, although 10m is good lately. But with limited time it's perfect indeed. I'm glad the experimentation wasn't for nothing. 73, Bas
Absoluut Paul, net als vorige keer met FT5ZM. Nu nog FT4TA. 73, Bas
Hallo Paul, dat was zeker een race tegen de klok maar de moeite waard. De rest van de week weinig tijd er voor gehad. Vandaag nog wat getest met voor/achter/zij verhouding. Het is niet super, maar zit wel verschil in met voorkant. Ik weet niet of het beter was met de condensator aanpassing? Die vergelijking kan ik niet maken. Heb wel het idee dat het geheel iets minder verlies geeft. Belangrijk voordel is dat de antenne iets breedbandiger is. 73, Bas
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