The weekend was too short for some serious radio. I did some 10m WSPR with 1W on Sunday and got a incredible 66 unique spots from about 22 DXCC. Not shure if there are new WSPR DXCC in the spots, I have to analyze it later. I did read on other blogs that 10m and 12m are open for DX and there are a lot of new DXCC that can be contacted. So today I tried some DX on 12m but didn't have much luck, I heard 9X0NH (Rwanda) but too weak to work. I tried some CQ on SSB but only got 2 russian stations coming back. Later I managed to work 9J2T (Zambia) very easy on 12m but it's not a new one for me. Of course I had some luck with digital QRP and worked north americans. I decided to switch over to 10m for 10 minutes and heard 5V7DX (Togo) with S9 but the pile up was huge and I decided to go on. Then I heard ZS8A (Marion Isl.) with reasonable signal but the pile-up was a chaos and since I always have limited time I went to search for DX that wasn't already spot on the DXcluster. I found TJ3AY Henry from Cameroon, I worked him on other bands already but I believe not on 10m yet. One call was enough to get in his log. I think working DX is also a matter of luck if you haven't that much time to chase the DXpeditions that are on these days. No "All Time New Ones" for me today, next time better.

Het weekend was weer te kort om serieus wat aan de radiohobby te doen. Zondag deed ik wat WSPR 1W op 10m. Ik kreeg maar liefst 66 unieke spots uit ongeveer 22 DXCC. Er zitten vast een paar nieuwe in alleen moet ik daarvoor de boel nog analyseren. Ik las op andere blogs dat 10m en 12m goed open zijn en dat er heel wat DXCC's te werken zijn. Dus vandaag mijn geluk maar eens beproeft op 12m DX, maar helaas weinig geluk. Ik hoorde 9X0NH (Rwanda) maar te zwak om een kans te hebben in de pile-up. Daarna maar geprobeerd om wat CQ te roepen met als resultaat 2 russen in het log. Later op de dag lukte het wel 9J2T (Zambia) te werken, maar dat is geen nieuwe DXCC voor mij. Uiteraard tussendoor nog wat digitaal geprobeerd en dat lukte met QRP wonderwel goed met een paar noord amerikanen. Ik besloot om nog maar eens over de 10m te draaien zo een 10 minuten en hoorde met S9 5V7DX (Togo) doorkomen, maar de pile-up was erg groot en meneer ging na een paar minuten QRT. Daarna hoordeik nog ZS8A (Marion Isl.) met redelijke signalen, helaas was de pile-up een chaos dus besloot ik maar snel weer te gaan. Op zoek naar DX die niet al op het DXcluster is gemeld. Ik vond TJ9AY Henry die ik al eerder op andere banden had gewerkt, maar op 10m volgens mij nog niet. Een roepje was genoeg en ik stond in het log. Ik denk dat het werken van DX ook een kwestie van geluk is als je niet zoveel tijd hebt om op DXpedities te jagen die rond deze tijd veelvuldig te horen zijn. Vandaag geen nieuwe DXCC gewerkt. Volgende keer beter.
Good evening Bas, very nice WSPR contacts and I too had what seemed to be a very short weekend as well. There sure has been lots of chatter not he blogs about the openings on 10m and 12m as you said. I have not had a chance really to take advantage of it as of yet.
Nice to see spring has arrived there as for here just heard on the news snow it on the way on Wednesday…..supposed to be in around 15-20cm!
Hello Mike, it's so unfortunate that we have limited time for our hobby. But I still enjoy it. There are enough things inside the hobby that don't take much time. I know the weather in north america is totally different from what we have here. Probabely next year it's the other way around. 73, Bas
Some juicy callsigns in your blog, Bas! I would love to work half of those you heard and worked. Live has been a bit busy here for radio. I had full intentions of getting on this past weekend but it never happened. Winter is still hanging on here but hopefully I can break the equipment out this next weekend. Been reading 10 meters has been open here so hopefully some new DX will fall into my logbook as well. Happy hunting!
Hi Phil, didn't work all the DX I heard unfortenately. But at least a few. The goal is to work new ones as we are now in the sunspot peak I think. 73, Bas
Hi Bas, yes the time we are able to spend in the hobby is great and yes I hope the weather is better next year….but I am just now concerned about this coming summer.
Have a great week Bas
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