Vandaag ontvangen de QSL van Sid
ET3AA uit Addis Ababa, Ethiopië. Altijd leuk een rechstreekse QSL. Wat ik wel jammer vind is dat ik er niet echt een verhaal aan vast kan knopen. Zoals veel DX op de amateurbanden was dit ook weer zo een 5/9 QSO. Maar gezien de belangstelling voor zo een station is het niet anders. Vanmorgen hoorde ik op 11 Mtr keihard Australië met 5/7-9 op de loop antenne, maar op 10 Mtr hoorde ik helaas niets. Omdat ik weinig tijd had heb ik de radio maar op WSPR gezet. Helaas werd ik maar door 1 station (UA3ARC) gespot met mijn 1 Watt. Toch knap denk ik want de loop is niet echt geschikt voor de 10 Mtr band.
I received the QSL from Sid ET3AA from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia by direct mail. I think it's a pity that I cannot write a nice story about it. Like many DX on te amateurbands it was just one of these 5/9 QSOs. But since there's a lot of interest in such a station it is like that. I received a very strong Australian station with 5/7-9 on 11 Mtr this morning, but there was only noise on 10 Mtr. Since I had only a few minutes of spare time I decided to put the radio on WSPR. I was only received by 1 station (UA3ARC) with my 1 Watt. Though, I think that's not bad as the loop antenna is not really designed for the 10 Mtr band.
Hi Bas,
That is a nice QSL from Ethiopia. I am trying 10M WSPR today but so far nothing. I hear some stations saying there was CW activity on 10 today but I can hear no-one.
73De Kevin
Hi Kevin, listened to 10m today, nothing heard as well. This afternoon I heard TL0A on 12m and also a unknown south african station. But no QSO made. I left the radio on 12m WSPR, but since there was a EA8 on RTTY on the WSPR freq. I decoded nothing. 73, Bas
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