De leukste DX uit mijn WPX log/ Best DX from my WPX log:
80m: HC8GR (Galapagos), KC3R (USA)
40m: YV5AMH (Venezuela), JA0JHA (Japan), UP0L (Kazakhstan), RW9USA (As. Russia)
20m: HS0ZCW (Thailand), ZY7C (Brazil), KL7RA (Alaska), VK4KW (Australia), VK1CC (Australia), 8P5A (Barbados), OX2A (Greenland), LT1F (Argentina), 4M1F (Venezuela)
15m: JY5CC (Jordan), PJ2/OH1VR (Bonaire), HI3TEJ (Dominican Rep.), ZS6BRZ (RSA), 6V7M (Senegal), AY5F (Argentina), A71CV (Qatar), ST2AR (Sudan), ZX5J (Brazil)
80m: HC8GR (Galapagos), KC3R (USA)
40m: YV5AMH (Venezuela), JA0JHA (Japan), UP0L (Kazakhstan), RW9USA (As. Russia)
20m: HS0ZCW (Thailand), ZY7C (Brazil), KL7RA (Alaska), VK4KW (Australia), VK1CC (Australia), 8P5A (Barbados), OX2A (Greenland), LT1F (Argentina), 4M1F (Venezuela)
15m: JY5CC (Jordan), PJ2/OH1VR (Bonaire), HI3TEJ (Dominican Rep.), ZS6BRZ (RSA), 6V7M (Senegal), AY5F (Argentina), A71CV (Qatar), ST2AR (Sudan), ZX5J (Brazil)
My best DX in the CQWW WPX SSB this year would be the contact with HC8GR from Isla San Cristobal, Galapagos Isl. on 80m !! A perfect QSO, got him within 2x calling. His signal was a real 5/9. The Galapagos Islands are really talking to your imagination, you instantly think about big turtles and beautifull beaches. It's a pity that it is a very touristic place now and they get more problems with pollution although rules are very strict when your entering the place. This time I couldn't be on the radio the whole contest as we had to bring
my mother in law to Schiphol airport which is driving for more then a half day before you're back home. So it was not possible to break the score of last year, hope to have more time next year. After I worked HC8GR I made a lot of other nice DX contacts but not really any new ones. I heard 4B1KK on 15m very strong, but after 15 minutes of calling I still did not get the QSO, it seems to be difficult to work Mexico from my QTH. 10m opened Sunday evening. I heard a EB8, PY5 and a LU station, but no QSO was made here. It would work out with my 10m directional antenna.....but it still is waiting in the garage. I actually worked on search & pounce as calling CQ was difficult. I tried on 40m, but it was so crowded that I gave up after 15 minutes. What took my attention this contest was the sporadic propagation, I heard some exotic stations with signals over S7 then 5 minutes later they were completely gone into the noise. So you had to be there to work some! I didn't work many dutch stations by the way, did they all work search & pounce? Only 1 at 80m and at 40m. I took part for 11,5 hours and stopped at 333 QSO sunday evening.

Hallo Bas, mooie score. Jij werkt toch altijd wel leuke stations. Ik had niet meegedaan. Mijn fysieke conditie liet dat niet toe. Wel wat verbindingen gemaakt, maar alleen met PSK31 op de WARC banden. 73 Paul
Jammer Paul, ik las het al op jouw blog. Ik hoop dat je er weer snel bovenop komt. Vergeet ook niet dat mijn lokatie wat betreft ontvangst wel gunstig is. Dat voordeel heb ik wel weer ingezien dit keer. Vooral het station uit Alaska kon ik maar net ontvangen. Hij mij blijkbaar ook. 73, Bas
PA to HC8 on 80m is amazing DX, Bas - congrats? What was your antenna?
John, I use a 84 mtr horizontal loop in my backyard. It's on 4 fiberglass poles about 7 mtr above the ground. It's more a NVIS antenna and I build it for some national contests. My location is near the the north coast so I guess that's why it sometimes works great on DX. 73, Bas
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