Tot mijn verbazing viel er nog een certificaat op de deurmat.
De eerste plaats in de CQWW 160m DX contest SSB. Op 1 of andere manier hebben ze mij ingedeeld in de multi operator klasse. Daarin was ik de enige deelnemer....! Multi operator? Misschien PE4BAS en Operator BAS tja... Geen idee hoe dit zo gekomen is, kan mijn verstuurde log uit 2007 niet meer vinden. Leuk is het wel voor in de shack.
Although I'm not really a certificatehunter I received the ARRL DXCC certificate last week. 100 countries confirmed with Logbook Of The World. It saves me the efford to verify my paper QSL cards. Surprisingly I received another certificate from the 2007 160m SSB CQWW contest. It seems I have a first place as multi operator. Although it was me and myself. I really don't know why something has messed up with my log. Anyway, it's nice to have the certificate.
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