2024 was certainly the year in which I worked the most DXCC compared to all the previous years. I seems phone is still my preferred mode. But CW is increasing. Digital modes is mostly FT8/FT4, it is what it is. You can't stop the digital future. Compare this to 2006 just for fun:
I did 100% phone in the year that I seriously got back into amateurradio. What a difference it is...
Well, you can see that the radio hobby is primarily something I do in winter. I have less time in summer. Feb, Mar and Okt are the contest months for me.
Lots of SSB, a little more CW compared to last year. Lots of FT8/FT4. Less VARAC contacts. And surprisingly 2 MSK144 meteorscatter contacts. I always want to do more experimenting with all kind of digimodes. But in real life I don't think of that when in front of the radio.
I was surprised by the number of 160m contacts. I counted it again and indeed I made 453 QSOs on 160m. I'm not surprised by the number of QSOs on 10m. Most contesting I did was on 10m. This year it looks like 30m and 17m are left behind. I try to do more on the WARC bands, and most of the contacts there are "DX". It only looks that I'm more often on the other bands but it isn't. It is only because of contest contacts.
My DXCC numbers at the end of 2024:
I've also seen stats from LOTW and or stats from confirmed DXCC. For those hunting for awards that may be necessary. I don't really care if a DXCC is confirmed. Working the DXCC is enough for me. I don't have to prove anything to anyone...