Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Predicting radio propagation is like predicting the weather. That means nothing is for certain.
Things can change within a hour or even in a few minutes. Radio propagation is depending on the sun, day and night, auroral conditions and greyline. I even suspect a changing earth magnetic field can have a influence on radio signals. Some interesting links:

Sporadic-E is not really predictable, the actual status can be seen here though:: http://www.dxmaps.com/spots/map.phpLan=E&Frec=MUF&ML=M&Map=EU&DXC=N&HF=N&GL=N

Tropo is as predictable as the weather (about 5 days), a forecast can be seen here: http://www.dxinfocentre.com/tropo_eur.html

Meteor scatter is is almost the same every year as meteor showers arrive every year at the same time:  http://www.qsl.net/g0isw/g0iswms.htm

Aurora prediction can be found here: http://www.aurora-service.eu/aurora-forecast/

For HF you have the famous VOACAP that can be found here: http://www.voacap.com/prediction.html

Though, I like the experimental Proppy as wel found here:

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