DKC what can I say? Well, it seems propagation was not working for me this weekend. I hardly heard any station or only with low signals just above the noise. The only stations I heard that were strong did mention the bands were wide open, at least for them. From what I heard is that at night propagation with the USA on 20m was good and a few operators did take advantage from that. Well done! I only made 32 QSOs in total and I was lucky enough to have at least one QSO with PJ4NX from Bonaire, it was also my best distance this weekend. Surprisingly I made 1 QSO on 6m with Italy. Well, not a big score but like I mentioned before, participating is more important as winning.

Just checking my DKC log and uploading it this evening when I heard YI3WHR Wahhab on 20m calling. Wahhab is a new station on air. It has been ages that I heard a personal Iraq station on air. And yes I worked Iraq (YI1OM) before in 2008 on PSK31 but never got it confirmed. YI9KT in 2006 is confirmed however so this is not a new one for me.

As always, just before closing the station, I tune over 6m to see if there is any activity. Nothing heard, so switching back to HF I accidentally heard a station on 10m, the only station actually, it was OH0JFP Sture from his home location. Sture is well known as a contest operator and has a (rentable) contest station as well. I made a short QSO with Sture and fascinated by his only strong signal on the band I switched back to 6m as there was a high possebility of ES this evening. Nothing was heard on SSB but I did hear some CW signals in the bottom of the band. So, I tried to give CQ in SSB and only made a few calls when I got response from several Finnish, Swedish and one Estonian station. Not bad for a Sunday evening. After a local QSO with PC7B Bram I checked my e-mail to see if my DKC log was confirmed. I noticed another mail had arrived from PA2REH Eric. Eric reported he had received me on 6m in Oegstgeest on a V2000 antenna at 10m height, a distance of 200km. Probabely some tropo conditions as well...