Event: UKEICC 80m SSB contest
Section: QRP
Logger: N1MM+
Station: Yaesu FT-817ND (5W)
Antenna: 84m horizontal loop at 7m AGL.
Difficult start, although I was CQing before the contest to keep a frequency clear and was even spotted on the DXcluster. Unfortenately the frequency was immidiatly hijacked. Don't blame anyone. It's just a hobby. Continued with S&P and had a small run after I found another clear frequency. Best DX was UT2II, although he didn't get my call correct. I had a good QSO with fellow blogger EI9KC Ark. Anyway, this middle of the week 1 hour contest is a lot of fun. And certainly a good excersise for QRP operating techniques.
QRP Entries results:
Call Pwr Grid Raw Dupe Bust NIL Good Total --- Best DX ---
QSOs QSOs Pts Call Km
M9A Q IO80 55 0 4 0 51 94 SE4E 1583
G4FNL Q IO90 41 0 2 0 39 78 UT2II 2872
GW0GEI Q IO72 41 0 1 0 40 71 HF1D 1344
PE4BAS Q JO33 27 0 3 1 23 42 UT2II 2294
G3ZBU Q IO91 25 0 2 0 23 31 GM3WOJ 716
GM4UBJ Q IO75 12 0 0 0 12 22 2E0KVJ 573
M6VPW Q IO91 12 0 1 0 11 18 GM4ZUK 681
Complete log showing me the errors, very interesting. I made a typo with PC4H, so unfortunate and stupid. UT2II indeed didn't have my call correct, I actually had the idea he was not really listening as I repeated my call at least 5 times.
Contest: UKEICC 80m
Date: 02/03/2016
Mode: SSB
Power: QRP
Callsign: PE4BAS
Operator: PE4BAS
Locator: JO33
Total QSOs: 27
Potential Points: 96
Actual points: 41.89
Points per QSO: 3.56
Longest scoring QSO: 2293.90 km with UT2II
Highest points QSO: 8.00 points with M9A
No Dupes!
Busted reports
Busted Calls
Call Date Time Rcvd Dist Dist Mult Pos'ble Actual Comment
UTC Loc Km Pts Pts Pts
G3RXQ 02-03-2016 2001 IO84 665 2 2 4 4.00
GW0IRW 02-03-2016 2003 IO72 813 2 1 2 2.00
EI6JK 02-03-2016 2004 IO53 1060 3 1 3 3.00
G6MC 02-03-2016 2007 IO94 531 2 1 2 -10.67 Busted locator should be IO93
G0DVJ 02-03-2016 2007 JO02 418 1 1 1 1.00
G4FNL 02-03-2016 2008 IO96 643 2 4 8 -10.67 Busted locator should be IO90
G4DDX 02-03-2016 2009 IO91 587 2 2 4 4.00
HF1D 02-03-2016 2013 JO73 531 2 2 4 4.00
GM4ZUK 02-03-2016 2014 IO87 772 2 1 2 2.00
GW4J 02-03-2016 2015 IO73 796 2 1 2 2.00
G3SWC 02-03-2016 2023 IO91 587 2 2 4 4.00
EI8IQ 02-03-2016 2024 IO62 945 2 1 2 2.00
EI2KA 02-03-2016 2027 IO51 1107 3 2 6 6.00
2E0KVJ 02-03-2016 2028 IO80 763 2 2 4 4.00
M9A 02-03-2016 2030 IO80 763 2 4 8 8.00 Busted locator by worked station
G3XYF 02-03-2016 2032 IO94 536 2 2 4 4.00
G4FZN 02-03-2016 2033 IO94 536 2 1 2 2.00
G4EBK 02-03-2016 2034 IO93 531 2 2 4 4.00
PC4C 02-03-2016 2038 JO22 174 1 1 1 -10.67 QSO was with PC4H
GI0AZB 02-03-2016 2042 IO64 924 2 2 4 -7.11 Not in GI0AZB log
GM3WOJ 02-03-2016 2044 IO77 878 2 1 2 2.00
UT2II 02-03-2016 2046 KN98 2294 5 1 5 5.00 Busted call by worked station
GW4BLE 02-03-2016 2047 IO81 714 2 1 2 2.00
G8FCQ 02-03-2016 2050 IO92 548 2 1 2 2.00 Busted locator by worked station
EI9KC 02-03-2016 2051 IO63 928 2 1 2 2.00
GW0GEI 02-03-2016 2054 IO72 813 2 4 8 8.00
GM0WED 02-03-2016 2059 IO88 835 2 2 4 4.00
Only made 2 errors with wrong locators. I know this should have been 0 errors. QRP DXing is difficult but isn't a excuse for a typo and bad listening. I now know I have to work on the first rule of the DX code of Conduct. I will listen, listen and listen again....
I'm propabely not able to participate next time. Besides that I haven't got a good 80m antenna next time as well. So participation and improving the score will be next year.