The halo waiting in the corner of our garden |
My dad in front of a large inmarsat antenna. |
The halo waiting in the corner of our garden |
My dad in front of a large inmarsat antenna. |
Teri KO4WFP wrote me a very friendly and helpful e-mail in which she pointed me to some video lessons setting up the site to train ICR. I will dive into that in the next year. From what I saw in the first lesson it is something I was looking for.
The Holy Cluster is built and design by the israeli group of developers and supported by the Israeli Association of Radio Communication, the IARC.
Don't know how I found this but it seems to be quite new. Looks very clear to me. It has some useful filters on board.
There is a holycluster bugs report and wishlist. So there is room for improvement. The name chosen for this DX cluster is a bit strange. It probably refers to the "holy" land name for Israel.
Have been trying for hours yesterday. I had him almost but he didn't see the report. Today I managed to make a valid contact with signals just on the edge.
It might not be a big deal for others but for me is. I started at this speed 2 months ago and finally got 100% for the first time. Up goes the speed to 28/13wpm. How long will it take?
It was a great experience this weekend with interesting contacts. There was very good propagation which was noticeable from the atmosphere on the noise especially in the morning. The strange thing is that the propagation was between us and uninhabited parts of the world. Those moments I heard stations from Brazil over the longpath but unfortunatly they didn't hear me.
Last year I did more CW compared to SSB, it was all about propagation. This year I did more SSB because it was fun and there were a lot of SSB stations active. However I did chase some DX on CW as well. At first I chased fellow blogger VE9KK, I could just hear him between a lot of CW signals and to me it was difficult to make the QSO. But it seems Mike had a better receive as me. We did make the contact though. I also worked fellow blogger N4KGL on CW which was the first time I think. Previous blogger OQ5Q Franki was worked on SSB backscatter and my neighbour PA0O who also has a blog has been worked as well of course.
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red=CW green=SSB |
I have to confess that I didn't have enough self-confidence at the start of the contest to not use the computer decoding CW. The speed of most CW transmissions was overwhelming and so I used CW skimmer at the start. At Sunday I finally had the confidence that I could do without the computer decoder since most of a QSO I did without it. I even did run a couple of times on 20wpm. And most stations came back at the same speed which is controllable for me. It is still difficult to decode a call the first time but most of the time the second or third time did the trick. I had the idea most stations understood and had the patience to complete the QSO. It was a lot of fun.
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I probably made some mistakes because of course I didn't work Spratly Island. Will have to check the log before uploading. However I did work some nice DX. I missed a lot of DX as well. Most of the contacts, like always, are with the USA.
I had one very strange encounter with a station from India with the SES call AT2025. I had to listen for it a few times and decided to make the contact. I was asked if I could tell something about the difference between summer and winter conditions. From QRZ I read that this station is studying winter propagation and monitor solar cycle activity. So if you ever hear him give him a shout and tell him what you think about it.
I would have liked to spend more time on this great contest. But time is always limited because I have other things to do as well. As a HAM you always have to balance your time between the hobby and other things. That's life. Overall it seems I was contesting for about 15 hours this weekend. Best DX was with VK4DX not surprisingly it was on CW.
I certainly look out for the next 10m contest in 2025. It is one of my favorits. I hope to do even more CW next year.
XV9T and DU0A had strong signals this morning around "peak" time. Jaap PA0O who is about 20km south of me also received DU6/PE1NSQ with strong signal while I did not see him at all. That's how spotty 6m propagation can be. I took a view on 6m several times this morning but only about 10 minutes around 9:45 UTC there was some F2 propagation. I also tried for America in the afternoon but nothing seen from the west.
With the upcoming 10m ARRL contest should I move to 10m now? I did in the past but right now 6m has my interest. I really think it is magic to see stations from 8000-9000km away on VHF, because that is what 50MHz is...
And again PSKreporter does not diplay what else I've seen. DU0A from the Phillipines this morning but not on the map. XV9T was not visible but was spotted south of my QTH. Several HC (Ecuador) stations were visible in the early afternoon. Only one is diplayed. I would love to work them but todays propagation was really too short. From what I've seen on the DX cluster is that later this afternoon there was pretty good propagation between Germany and the USA/Canada.
FT8 hate campaign
Long time blogger EI2KC Anthony finally updated his blog. I hope he will continue to do that but I'm afraid he is too busy with his other hobby/work and being a well known writer of books about Irelands history. Certainly his post is worth reading I think.
The picture on the left covers his blogpost. There are a lot of people that are angry about how HAMradio changed in the last 10 years. They think that the FT8 operators are lazy people that automate DX chasing. Those that use FT8 know that even with this mode it is not always easy, at least we are always depending of propagation. And propagation is not always there, especially not on the 6m band. Besides that you have to know how the software works and how to connect everything to your radio. It is not as easy as connecting a mike or a key to your radio. Operating FT8 also needs a few tricks to reach the DX, some of them can be found on the world wide web. But there are also tricks that are kept secret because if too many knew it would not be working anymore. The big question is: what kind of people are moaning all the time about FT8ers and build a hatred campaign against it? What is the use of it? Digimodes will never go away and will increase in popularity. No one can stop it.
Yes, I'm also a big user of FT8. 90% of the DX plays at FT8 on 6m, so that's the mode to use for that band. Not that you really have to be on FT8 to work DX on that band. I know some stations that still use exclusive CW/SSB on 6m DX and luckily if propagation is good enough the DX stations still call CW and SSB on 6. Even when some people think I'm a lazy DXer I also still learn CW and enjoy it a lot. I even made a CW DX contact to Cambodia this year, a DXCC that was not on FT8 at that moment. So whatever mode it takes, use what you need to contact the DX. And don't judge the FT8 digimode for nothing.
Remember that this is just a hobby... most people take it far too serious. There are more important things in life. Have fun is my advice!
6m propagation today
Sorry for the wrong date yesterday. I made the post after midnight and so I made a mistake. Todays propagation was a lot worse. Only XV9T Eddy from Vietnam was heard.
Photo found on Pinterest |
And once again PSKreporter does not show everything. I also decoded TL8ES briefly but it is not shown on the map. XV9T Eddy from Vietnam seems to be having propagation to europe daily.
Henk PA2S recently wrote some interesting thoughts about cycle 25 and 6m propagation. You can find it here.
It's my lucky day...
How special is it, we got F2 propagation on 6m every day since how many weeks? It keeps going... although some days are better as others.
Heard: VK3FZ, VK3KJ, BA4SI, XV9T, DU3LA, DV1IIW, DU0A, DU6MOT, 9V1XX, 9M2DA, YE6YE, UK8AEA, UN4PG, UN2E, UN7LZ and VU4A. Why VU4A is not displayed again is not known to me. But this time I made a screenshot:
Will have another try tomorrow...
This post is also voor archive purposes.
Despite the relative low sfi and sunspotnumber F2 propagation on 6m continues to be good.
But unfortunatly PSKreporter is again not reporting everything I've seen. Here a screenshot from my phone.
Lots of VK3, VK5 and VK8 also. Unfortunatly it was very busy on the frequency and I was not able to make any contact. When propagation is good I'm only a very little pistol so to say.
The only contacts I made at a earlier time were: DU0A Philippines and UN9LEI Kazakhstan.