It is almost a year ago I started learn CW seriously. I knew it would take a long time.
Thursday, October 31, 2024
My quest to learn CW (11)
6m DX 31 okt
Exciting times! @6m
Difficult to work the DX. Very deep QSB and signals come and go within a minute. Worked UN3G and W4SO. PSK reporter not showing everything. I also received Indonesia and several VK6 stations at +3dB max. That's strong enough for SSB. I believe my neighbour station Jaap PA0O worked a VK6 station on SSB. Unfortunately I'm not able to do other modes since I work remote through the week.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
#CQWW DX SSB 2024 contest review
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Section: SO Low Assisted 10M
Logger: N1MM+
Station: Icom IC-7300 @100W
Antenna 1: 10m LFA @14m
Antenna 2: Gainmaster 1/2 wave vertical for 11m @16m
Antenna 3: 2x20m inverted-V doublet @12m
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
6m DX 29 okt.
There was a 6m pipeline to Kazakhstan this morning. Several QSOs with UN stations were made. I was surprised by the amount of Kazakh stations active on 6m. I also heard some VK6 and VK8 stations, YB5QZ, JA7QVI several EX stations and DU6/PE1NSQ was decoded a few times on FT4 mode. This is without doubt F2 propagation.
Sunday, October 27, 2024
More 6m new ones last Saturday
With a screenshot from a FT8 contact it is easy proof I made it to certain DXCC. But how about SSB and CW, that needs some more investigation. And if you want spend some money you can buy a QSL, that's the way it goes these days.
Anyway while working FT8 I noticed CW activity in the lower part of the 6m band. The advantage of a waterfall view across the 6m band. I quickly turned the dail (computerized ;-)). And decoded XU7AKU with at least 579. One call and I was in his log. He has a logsearch on QRZ and it is confirmed. XU7AKU has a website and also wrote about this big 6m opening. Surprisingly he doesn't use a 6m beam, just a homemade simple wire dipole.
On our local DX chat I noticed that a fellow Dutchman living in Vietnam was calling on SSB. And indeed I was able to hear Eddy XV9T (previously XV1X) calling. A few calls later I was able to make a QSO with him as well. Although I worked 3W9A on FT8 I consider this as the first real new one on 6. I think this was great fun for Eddy because he is 99% blind and of course FT8 is not the way to go for him. Besides that I can imagine it is nice to hear your own language on the bands from Dutch stations.Saturday, October 26, 2024
#6m Vietnam worked
I took a break from the CQWW contest after a notification from our local DX chat that 3W9A was very well workable on 6m. I also received EX8MEM, EX8BT, DV1ROY and several VK6 stations which I already worked last year. Unfortunately could not work everyone. You know propagation is there like a lightswitch is pushed on. But is gone in a few minutes. It is a matter of pure luck.
Friday, October 25, 2024
#CQWW DX SSB contest this weekend
Never done any contesting, or just starting to contest for the first time? Don't be afraid, contesting is just fun. That counts especially for the biggest contests every year. This weekend there will be a world wide contest. Everyone can work everyone contest, no difficult to hear progressive numbers but just a standard report exchange (599) and the CQ number of you area (the Netherlands will be 14). You can also do a multi operator effort with your friends. You can build a station on a better location compared to your home like we did for a few years. Last year we tried the new multi distributed/explorer section but unfortunately the Dutch telecom authorities warned us this would not be legal at this moment. We did make an objection but of course the answer will take time.
So this year wil be a single operator partake for me. I will start in the SO All band Low power section but this could change to 10M single band depending on propagation. Of course very important is to do some preparations before the contest. I've been looking at a interesting video from W1DED on YT on how some of the top contesters prepare for this contest. I've done a lot of preps for contests in the past. But for me it is not about winning. I like to work the DX, especially on the 10M band. It would be nice to work DXCC during the weekend, I've done it before and so it is possible. I miss the multiband halo however which is a disadvantage. Due to some work that was done on our house I was at home this morning giving me some time to do a few preparations. I made a short video here. Good luck if you participate in the CQWW this weekend and I hope I work some of you readers...
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Experimental multiband halo rebuild (1)
My last post about the multiband halo was a bit depressing. I miss the antenna because when it worked I was very content with it. It might not be the ultimate DX antenna and hasn't much gain. But it receives well and it is almost omni directional. I decided to make a rebuild and solve the issues that occurred in the last 2 years. Luckily I've written some experiences in this blog that are now very useful.
Viewing the pic at the left. I fixed the "hanging" poles by uv resistant guy wires. Instead of using speakerwire, twinlead or ladderline I decided to go for a real halo design. Just to see what difference will occur. From publications I've read so far it is best to start with the highest frequency halo. In my case this will be the 12m (24MHz) halo.
Unfortunately the weather is getting worse these days. And I'm not having that much time. I've made the "core" of the antenna stronger and made all the necessary plastic items like distance holders last week after my work in the evening just before sunset. It gives me about an hour a day. This sunday I had big plans but when inspecting the house gutters I also found some other loose roof parts that had to be repaired before winter. Of course that was much more important. My intention was to get the antenna working before the CQWW next weekend but this will probably not happen. It doesn't matter much because I probably do a 10m single band effort again.
I wanted at least the 12m band halo be ready today. Luckily I had enough time for that at daylight. Above you see part of the construction. Wires are spaced about 4cm. The ends are tied into a point. It is a choice. It can also be flat ended. This was easier for me. When flat ended there will be more capacity between the ends in the end that will make tuning more difficult.
I already discovered a interesting feature. When I first measured the SWR/resonance the loop was a bit too large. Resonating on about 24.8 MHz. Bending wires back did not do the trick much. But shifting the plastic spacers back to form a sharper point brought the resonance up quickly to 24,9 MHz
Monday, October 14, 2024
#6m DX jackpot: worked Reunion Isl. and Mauritius
2 new band DXCC within a few minutes. 3B8CW came back on my CQ! Also worked FR4OM and 3B8HK a few minutes later. 6m band magic!