We, in our part of the world, take freedom for granted most of the time. But we had to fight for that freedom 75 years ago. Many have died for our freedom and we should remember that even after such a long time. We have to care this whole nightmare will not happen again.
70 years ago the allied forces liberated The Netherlands from Nazi rule, ending the second world war five years after it started. The southern part of The Netherlands was liberated in the autumn of 1944, while the northern part was only liberated in the spring of 1945.
On May 4, 1945 the German forces formally capitulated to the British Field Marshall Montgomery. The capitulation was effective the next day.
We therefore celebrate the end of WW2 for the whole of the country on May 5 every year.
YNOMY DX Group & friends want to place attention on the valuable freedom we attained and have enjoyed ever since, with a radio-activity during the month of May.
We will activate 8 different special callsigns, operated by 8 different OMs:
We will also activate a special group callsign PA45FREEDOM during the weekend of May 16 & 17 - and possibly a few other moments during the month of May.
A special QSL card will be available for OMs who have contacted one or more of our stations. We will send out cards to all contacts via the bureau approximately one month after the activity. If you want to receive your card direct, please send your QSL direct with SAE & 2$ to: Marcel Kuenen, Rijksweg Noord 12, 6661KG Elst, The Netherlands.
For those interested - both OMs and SWLS - we offer an electronic award for free. All you need to do to obtain the award is to collect 45 points.
All individual callsigns will get you 9 points and the group callsign (PA45FREEDOM) will get you 18 points towards this award. SWLs are advised that cluster spots do not constitute valid RX reports.
For this event I will be QRV with the special call PE45FREE from 1-28 May 2015. Most of the QSO's are expected in digimode but I will try to be on SSB as well. Please do not send QSL to me personally or via bureau. QSL will be send via bureau to everyone that made a QSO.