Thursday, October 26, 2023

#CQWW SSB contest upcoming weekend

  Upcoming weekend there will be one of the biggest phone (SSB) contests held for hamradio. It is a big chance to make contact with a lot of countries (DXCC) you normally do not hear on the amateurradio bands.

Personally I'm not participating to win. I want to have fun, good runs and work excellent DX during the contest. Highlights for me are working other bloggers or known hamradio friends. In the past we organised a real contest station with a few friends, build it in one week. I've reported about that in the past. Unfortunately things are changed in our private lives and we are unable to do that anymore. This year we use the contest call PA6AA with the same group of friends we will participate in the new "explorer" section. That means we will be operating from our own shack from several locations in the Netherlands. Our (N1MM+) logs will be connected via a private network on the internet to prevent being on the same band and work dupes.

Well, of course I participated with my own call for the last years. Last year I did work on all bands but did choose the 10m Low Power section to submit my score. A good descision because I became number 1 in the Netherlands, 17th in Europe and 37th worldwide. Not bad I think...


VE9KK said...

Good morning Bas, congrats on your placing 1st in the 10m position. I am like minded with you in that I too take part in contests for the fun if it. If I happen to place well then so be it. All the best to you and the PA6AA team this weekend.

NN4DX said...

Hello Bas, nice on the 1st place in last years contest. I was happy with my score but going to try and beat it this year. Looking forward to working you this weekend. Got to fix the OCF for 40 and 80.

Best 73,

PE4BAS, Bas said...

@Mike, tnx we will do our best of course. But in the end it's just a hobby. Fun is the most important thing. 73, Bas

PE4BAS, Bas said...

@Don, I hope I'll recognize you when I hear you. Realize that I'm not the only one using PA6AA. I will probabely be most of the time on 160m and 80m. Although my favorite band is 10m. It's also an experiment how this new "explorer" section is working out for us. You will read that in a following post.73, Bas