Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Nice direct QSL surprise

 I don't know what it is to you readers of this blog? But receiving a direct QSL is special to me. It doesn't happen often. May be once in a few years. But today I received this nice QSL from AE2JL.

Detail, details... I think Joel loves poststamps as well. Never seen a round poststamp in my life. And I have been a poststamp collector when I was younger and before I became a HAM. So I've seen many poststamps... The QSL, an image of a amateurradio poststamp. And last of all....Joel send me a SASE for the returning QSL with.....dutch poststamps. Well, the returning QSL has been posted and on its way to New Jersey.

1 comment:

Bert, PA1B said...

Hallo Bas, heel leuk om te zien.
Joel is wel zeker een liefhebber van postzegels. 5 dollarcent. FB.
De Nederlandse postzegels zijn heel bijzonder, met een jong paartje op Wooden Shoes en de Dutch Tulips. Hi. Bedankt voor de leuke post. 73, Bert