
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Automation, the future is already here

When in Denmark I missed a lot of blog posts from others. Highlights last week were the blogposts about the ARRL prohibiting automated contacts being valid for awards and DXCC and automated contacts in general. Actually when I read about it I was planning a blogpost about it but unfortunately I had no time to write and others already did. So what's left? You would think nothing....but development goes fast, there is a lot to write about.

I've been writing about automation last year:

One of the things I wrote about is automation of FT8 contacts by DXpeditions. I think it is good idea, others however are not happy with it. I can imagine that...however for many earning DXCC is a way of life, they do nothing else on HAMradio. But the hobby has so much more challenges. Things are constant changing in life and so is our radio hobby. But back to automation....

Other articles about this topic can be read here:

I also wrote in 2018 that anyone with programming skills can make a automated WSJT version.
So far only Stathis SV5DKL was writing and documenting his FT8 robot, others could take the idea (and did) it was based on a program called Quick Macro. DG5LP actually made some macro program you can use with Quick Macro and WSJT-X and you can download it on his FT8-Helper site. Still Quick Macro is commercial sofware and the evaluation version stops after 30 days, that made me personally not experimenting with it. Other (freeware) macro program are able to do this as well but it takes time to experiment with it. So recently someone with programming skills made a modified WSJT-X version. Called WSJT-Z by SP9FVE. You can download it here:

I installed it this evening and did let it running under my supervision of course. Except the contact with OY1R (who I met personally in the past and is always special to me) all contacts on 20m FT4 and 60m FT8 are made by "robot" today. I didn't touch a thing and let it go, at the same time writing this blogpost 20 QSOs were made...

A screenshot:

It is just a test just out of the box, and I just made CQs. But it seems you can also auto reply on CQs and can even make filters so you work only the new DXCC for instance. Is it fun to experiment with? Yes it is! This software is what I already predicted last year. This is the future and you can't stop it.

But before you are going to write me "hate" comments now. Consider this: It is your choice to use it. You don't have to download and participate. If you think you have to ban me now, others read this and will make robot contacts with this software. I certainly will not be the only one and I think there are already hundreds of FT8/FT4 robots on air.

-- Be careful as making automated contacts without your supervision (being in the shack or connected remote) is not allowed in most countries by law! --

Now, I can't help it but I can almost predict that more digital mode software will provide automation. K1JT might even have the option in the next version? Or takes a note and will block the possebility to modify the software for automation? But would that help? I don't think so...

Oh my, exciting times....


  1. Then again, SIM31 was fully automated, and even worked fairly well. It got some interest initially, then just died a death. I suspect (hope!) the majority of operators want to be part of the action, rather than just observers of what happened.

    1. Indeed John, I've tested the robot and it works. I probabely look into those filters again to see if it works. My "robot" did make some contacts yesterday but to look at it and do nothing is rather dull. However, it could be useful for DXpeditions and save costs. In the end it is a human that decides and not a robot...

      There is a digimode contest this weekend I believe, if you want to participate full hours....and still get some sleep....I'm shure a lot of participants will do it, although they will not tell us.

      73, Bas

  2. GM Bas,

    I have not received too many negative emails regarding my postings of this new way of operating. Surprisingly, one of the only negative comments came from N4ZR who is part of the Reverse Beacon Network development group. He claimed that auto-FT8 bots would allow cheating and was "stupid". His same comments were made by many CW ops regarding the impact of RBN on CW contests. I pointed out this irony to him in my own indelicate way!

    You're right - the future is here and there is no reverse mode to technology. I also agree with you that DXpeditions will be the major ones to benefit from this (and those they work) regardless of the ARRL's current position.

    To those who think that auto-FT8 necessarily means unattended operation, let me assure you it does not. There is no way most people would leave their transceivers unattended, at the mercy of a computer hiccup that could put the rig in constant TX mode, for example.

    73 - John AE5X

    1. Hello John, tnx for the comment. Interesting about RBN and CW contests. I think it isn't cheating, everyone can access RNB with a internet connection and make use of it. And actually so is the robot of course. But it is everyones own descision to make use of it.

      Another thing to add to your last sentence would be that unattended operation is not allowed in most countries. At least not in the Netherlands.

      I do not completely agree with leaving the transceivers unattended, most people do with WSPR. Never had a hiccup once that kept my transceiver transmitting. Besides that the IC-7300 seems to have a programmable time out on transmitting, so it's relatively safe. I guess other modern radios will have it as well.

      Time for thought....

      See my latest article about the upcoming digi contest ;-)

      Exciting times for shure....73, Bas

    2. Here is what can happen if you leave your bot unattended:

    3. Yep, seen it before on the bands....seriously have to look into the config to see if you can make a time out. 73, Bas

  3. Hi,
    Today I upladed the lates version of FT8-Helper to
    The program was delveoped using Quick-Macro, but starting the uploaded exe-file no license for Quich-Macro required, it is delivered with the exe-file.
    Best regards and 73
    Geza DG5LP


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas