
Thursday, August 29, 2019

World Wide Digi DX contest

The first WW digi DX contest will take place this weekend Sat 12- Sun 11:59 UTC. It's a contest in the digital modes FT8 and FT4. The exchange will be your maidenhead gridsquare. To connect N1MM+ contestlogger to WSJT-X you might find this article useful:

Of course you don't have to connect to a contestlogger, WSJT-X will make a ADIF logfile as well you can convert or load in a logger of choice.

Most interesting is the last General Rule For All Entrants:

13. Each QSO must require some action by the operator, e.g., selecting a QSO partner.

That means you are no allowed to use a FT8/FT4 robot like WSJT-Z. But...who will detect that??

Certainly if I would participate I would try the robot at night time for shure and risk being disqualified. I think I would be disqualified anyhowe since I wrote this article ;-) However I have no time to be on the radio this weekend. But robot or not I wish you all good luck contesting!

Update 30-8-2019: 

SQ9FVE made this change to the last WSJT-Z. Don't know why, others will contest with robots. But I think his version on WSJT is not completely ready for it. 

V0.21 - Preventing switching to contest modes in Auto CQ mode

I didn't try yet but it could be old versions do work with auto CQ mode.


  1. For those participating:

    Even though this is an HF contest, the most efficient operation will be with WSJT configured with the NA VHF Contest option selected. This dispenses with the signal report portion of the exchange since it isn't required for this contest.

  2. IMHO, the rule 13. does not disallow "robotic" automation. An operator-initiated home-made automation system, selecting QSO partners, or completing QSOs one after another, on a predefined schedule and basis (with regard to band changes, continental/DXCC targets, etc.), can be accounted for a human action. But, given the already great initial level of automation embedded in the original suites, who really cares what's going behind the correspondent's computer?

  3. A rule with different ways of explanation. It's just how you view it and how you want to view it. I thought I would get more comments on this topic in my blog. Last year it was a big issue when you were banned for a while I remember Stathis. But this time I get the impression indeed not many that care and welcome automation actually. Saw you on 20m FT4 yesterday, although my robot made some contact I was soon bored and switched to my favorite JTDX software. 73, Bas

  4. Heb ook wat meegedaan aan deze contest. Geef mij maar rtty..


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas