
Friday, October 29, 2021

#CQWW SSB contest this weekend

 Just as a reminder for the largest SSB contest of the year with about 35000 participants around the world. If you search for really nice DX contacts made with your own voice your chance is this weekend!

The 10m band is open lately and if propagation holds on I could try to submit a single (10M) band effort. Or I can try to beat last years score...


  1. Things are looking good for 10m, Bas. I'm currently hearing 3B8, 3B9 and mainland Africa short path, and VR2 LP on 10m FT8.

    Good luck - I'll be looking for you!

    John AE5X

    1. I would be disappointed when 10m is closed this weekend. Hope to meet you in the contest John. 73, Bas

  2. I think it might be wiped out - G3/Kp7 expected middle of the day. I'm preparing for aurora scatter, but my antenna for that is not ready yet, so I will have to use a virtual beam - stick antenna at the beach!


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas