
Wednesday, June 2, 2021


  Some sad and totally surprising news arrived today. Last Sunday PE1BVQ Hans left us far too early. Hans was my most loyal blog reader in the past. Till a few years ago he commented on almost all my posts and a friendship formed. Although Hans lived far away from me we met quite a few times attending various radio rallies. Hans also visited my QTH a few times when he was on vacation nearby. We did various experiments with antennas and digimodes together. It is a great loss for the amateurradio community and for me personally.


Hans did have a professional carreer in the radioequipment business. He owned his own telecom company for years. Selling, maintaining and repairing communication equipment. Because of this job he knew quite a few people that are also into amateurradio. I noticed that when I was attending a radiorally in the center part of the country, he was often occupied by people that knew him and wanted to talk to him. 


Hans was specialized in VHF/UHF communication and especially working satellites. You can read that on his QRZ page. When that got boring he was triggered by reading this blog to try QRP HF portable. He enjoyed going out with the dog, taking his FT-817 and various antennas to experiment and make contacts. He told me that he developed a special interest in tracking weatherballoons last year. His technical knowledge was far beyond mine, but he didn't show that to me. It became clear to me when he repaired an amplifier which I gave to him for free and returned it to me without any costs. He also send me a excellent working 3 band endfed, which I used a lot, just as a present. Various books about amateurradio were also given to me...I'm very grateful for all of it. I know I was not the only one that got free equipment from him. He told me some time, travelling to a radiorally, he provided equipment and help to others that didn't have the money to buy HF equipment for instance. In the last e-mail from Christmas 2020 I got from Hans he told me he was busy building a mcHF QRP HF TRX from M0NKA. Then things went very quiet...


Health was a big issue. Hans was cured from cancer years ago. However after that he got a serious back problem and went through several surgical operations because of hernias. If that wasn't bad enough he became addicted to the medicine that surpressed the pain. He also had a lot of trouble walking because of all this. I understood that lately it went a lot better and he was almost off the addiction. However last year his daughter died from cancer. You can imagine how sad he was. After this happened I didn't have much contact with Hans anymore since he was busy moving house from Duiven to Sliedrecht. We exchanged e-mail occassionally till last Christmas when he told me he was reasonabely allright.

Today I received the funeral card. It really shocked me. From what I read on the card his death was quite sudden and by surprise. May he rest in peace...

My last QSO's with Hans can be found here: 

Portable from Borkum Isl. (DL) and Hans on the bicycle from nearby his vacation address.

In 2018 via the foxhunt ballon


  1. Hallo Bas, dat is schrikken. Wat een verdrietig nieuws. Hans gaf ook regelmatig reacties op mijn blog en gaf vaak goede tips. Ik weet dat hij veel problemen had met z'n gezondheid. Ik had al tijd niets meer van hem vernomen, maar ik begrijp nu waarom. Goed dat je hem een mooi memorial geeft op je blog. 73 Paul

    1. Hallo Paul, ja hij hield een paar jaar geleden onze blogs in de gaten. Het is ook vooral door onze blogs dat hij met QRP HF begon. Het is jammer dat hij zo plotseling is overleden. Aan de andere kant had hij het niet altijd makkelijk. Je snapt dat hij eigenlijk constant met pijn moest leven. Wat dat betreft is hij wel uit zijn lijden verlost. We zullen hem missen en blijven herinneren... 73, Bas

  2. Beste Bas, ik schrok me rot toen ik het bericht las in de Arnhemse Veron Whatsapp groep. Ik kende Hans vanaf 2011 ook persoonlijk en was een aantal keren bij hem thuis en hij bij ons thuis. Hij regelde voor mij ook een Baofeng B5 porto (ik had geen creditkaart) die ik af en toe nog gebruik. Hij was ook geregeld in de Arnhemse PI4ANH ronde te vinden waar ik o.a. ronde leider van ben. Hoewel, vanaf 2020 wel minder vaak. Ook in Sliedrecht luisterde en keek hij naar de ronde via mijn live streams op YouTube. De laatste keer was dat op donderdagavond 4 maart ook weer in de Arnhemse ronde. Op mijn site staat nog een video van hem waar je kan zien wat onweer kan doen, zelfs op afstand. We gaan Hans enorm missen... Sterkte voor zijn vrouw en familie.

    1. Hallo Ben, ik wist dat Hans contact met jou had. Hij heeft het er wel eens over gehad met mij. Ik ken de video, ik heb er ook al eens naar gelinkt in een post. Het is jammer dat zijn leven zo af moest lopen. We blijven hem herinneren. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas