
Saturday, July 4, 2020

Shoreline propagation again?

Now you probabely think that I finally took my portable gear to the shoreline to compare a difference in signals with my basestation for example on WSPR signals. But no, that still has to come. At the moment I have a discussion with John MW1CFN about 50MHz propagation that occurs at the bottom of the solarcycle. It certainly has to do with sporadic-E or ES propagation as we call it. But how on earth is it possible to receive and sometimes transmit signals to Japan on 50MHz. Besides that John recorded some interesting signals with some signal peaks that occur on the Europe/USA path that needs explanation. I listened for those strange peak signals on the Europe/Japan path this morning and it occured to me that I hear them as well.

The above was recorded this morning between 7:47-7:50 UTC on 50.313MHz FT8 beaming 30 degrees. You can briefly hear the peaks on signals in the first 3 timeslots. Then suddenly like someone flipped a switch the propagation lifted and signals got very strong. A few moments later I worked 7Z1SJ from Saudi Arabia with very strong signals RX/TX +3/-4dB. A few time slots later the signals disappeared and it sounded like the first 3 timeslots on this recording again.

I only received 1 station from Japan this morning. Yesterday was a lot better with at least 10 stations received. Unfortunately transmitting a signal to Japan seems to be more difficult for me.

I'm not an expert in propagation or propagation anomalies. But I like to investigate and contribute to someone that does probabely know more. John wrote me something last year that I will always remember. Propagation on 50MHz is like the surface of the sea, lots of waves and sometimes you're in the the "water" between the waves. But sometimes you're on the shoreline, waves (signals) are just touching your antenna. You know what it is when you are standing close to the sea and waves are breaking, water flowing just touching your tones or if you're too close over your feet.

But who am I, just starting seriously with 50MHz DX. I find it very interesting but have no experience. I never experienced the DX possebilities they had back in 1978/79 and 1988. Will we have them ever again. Back in those days you could get a experimental 6m license here in the Netherlands and explore the (DX) possebilities. However you did need to keep a record and write a report for the authorities. I found such a report at the blog from PA2S Henk. Henk wrote this together with PF5X Enno. Both are still very active operators. The report is about F2 propagation at the peak of the solarcycle. And actually I think they know a lot more about the propagation anomalies that occur now since they have a lot of experience.

This certainly will not be the last post about 50MHz propagation. And though I'm actually more interested in HF I really like these kind of questions/challenges in this experimental radio hobby.


  1. good luck Bas,its like getting all the little ducks in a line, theres always one thats messing it glad the new antenna is working well.building a 50mhz quad here ready for the winter MS season.

    1. Very nice Stu, I've been thinking about a 6m/4m quad as well. But it is complicated to build (and tune) so I choosen a simple design. Good luck, hope to work you on MS some time. 73, Bas

  2. Wow! That's an outstanding recording, Bas! I listened all day on Saturday, and did hear much weaker 'metallic bursts' from across Europe, but nothing as good as yours! I think that kills the 'meteor or aircraft' claim. If it was either of those, then we would expect to hear this all the time. I am still working on the various 50MHz questions...

    1. Still very curious about the bursts, what is causing them. Hope you'll find out! 73, Bas

  3. Hallo Bas, een interessant verhaal. Ik heb met interesse jouw geluidsfragment beluisterd. Ik hoor meteor echo's. Bij 00:20; 00:36 en 00:51. Dus ik ben gisteren zelf gaan luisteren op 6 meter om 7 uur. Ik hoorde inderdaad veel meteor echo's en flarden van opkomende FT8 stations. Mijn gedachten hierover zijn dat geen reflecties gecombineerd van meteoor sporen en flarden van Es? Kijk maar op m'n blog daar staan mijn bevindingen. 73 Paul

    1. Heb het gelezen Paul. De meningen zijn verdeeld. Ik denk ook dat het waarschijnlijk meteoren zijn. 73, Bas


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas