
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

First time USA on 6 this year

Yes, I know. More propagation openings are there in the afternoon. I view it all on the DXcluster. But unfortunately it takes another 16 years before I can think about retiring, I have a daily job and not at home in the afternoon. So I depend on propagation in the evening. This was the first evening I could actually see some USA stations. It was special since the stations came from the west and west-coast instead of the usual east-coast. It's much further away. I was spotted in Arizona and received stations as far as California. I don't think that happens often. Unfortunately no QSO, but others with better equipment from the Netherlands did. At least in the end I made a quite difficult QSO with K1TO who is from Florida. Not that bad for a first one with the US this year. I hope more has to come in the next few days...


  1. Congratulations! There have been a few late night openings to the Caribbean and Central America in the past two weeks, which even my 2-ele quad could manage quite comfortably! Of course, these openings are often very localised...

  2. Good evening Bas, very nice contact for sure with 6m and a very nice surprise. Yes being retired does have its advantages but funny thing my days are packed with "stuff" to do and just like when I was working I have to find time to get on the radio.
    73 and have a great upcoming weekend.


Thanks for your comment. Bedankt voor je reactie. 73, Bas